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- Receiving Notifications Panel
Receiving Notifications Panel
In the Emails Tab tab, you can choose which automatic email notifications you want to receive.

Choosing email notifications to receive
The field Notify me by email when the following events occur has the following options to be set as you prefer:
- I receive a private message: If you check this option, you will always get a notification email when you have a new private message.
- I have unread private messages for more than 1 day: If you check this option, you will receive a reminder every time you have an unread private message for more than 1 day. Note: this notification is sent only once every 3 days.
- I have been mentioned on a comment: check this option if you want to get a notification email when you are mentioned in a comment.
- a comment is published on one of my posts: If you check this option, you will always get a notification, when a new published comment was created or when a moderator published an already existing comment in your post. Your post is what you have created.
- a comment is posted and I have permissions to moderate it: If you check this option, you will always get a notification, when a new published comment was created or when a moderator published an already existing comment in posts where your have permissions to moderate.
- a comment is modified and I have permissions to moderate it: If you check this option, you will always get a notification, when an already existing comment is modified.
- a comment is reported as spam and I have permissions to moderate it: check this option if you want to receive a notification email whenever a comment is reported as spam.
- comments are awaiting moderation for more than 1 day: If you check this option, you will receive a notification email every time a new comment is created, and you have access to moderate this comment. You will get an email indifferent from the new comments status. You have moderation rights if you are an admin user with global permissions, or if you are the owner of the blog where this comments belongs to, and also when you have comment edit permission for all kind of comments.
- a meta comment is posted: check this option if you want to receive a notification email every time a new meta comment is created
- I have been mentioned on a post: check this option if you want to get a notification email when you are mentioned in a post.
- a post is created and I have permissions to moderate it: If you check this option, you will always get a notification, when a new post is created and you have permissions to moderate it.
- a post is modified and I have permissions to moderate it: If you check this option, you will always get a notification, when an already existing post is modified and you have permissions to moderate it.
- someone proposed a change on a post and I have permissions to moderate it
- posts are awaiting moderation for more than 1 day
- there are stale posts and I have permissions to moderate them
- a post was assigned to me
My account
- my account was deactivated or is not activated for more than 1 day: Only User Admins can change this preference.
- my account has been inactive for more than 1 year
System users
- a new user has registered
- an account was activated
- an account was closed
- an account was reported
- an account was changed
System maintenance
- a scheduled task ends with an error or timeout
- one of my Lists gets a new subscriber
- one of my Lists loses a subscriber
- one of my automations wants to notify me
Limiting number of email notifications
You could set a limit by entering a value in the field Limit notifications to. The default value of this field is 3
, which means that the site will not send you more than 3 notifications per day.
Note: in production sites, and for admins who like to know what is happening in their sites, raising this limit to a higher number is a good idea. The optimal number will be a balance between the activity of your site and your desire to be informed of that activity.