• Documentation Effort

  • How to call a blog from a subdirectory?

    This man page applies to b2evolution version “phoenix” There are situation where you don’t want all your blogs called from the same directory on your web server. This page explains how to achieve this. Prerequisite In order to un…More »
  • Converting WordPress Themes

    This page gives an overlook as to how to convert WordPress? themes into b2evolution 2.2.1+ skins. While WordPress? themes used to be very different, since WP 1.5, WP themes are now very similar to evoSkins. This makes porting relatively easy. Convertin…More »
  • Evoskin and A Template

    The following refers to b2evolution version: 0.8.2-RC2 and is obsolete. See 2.0. What’s the difference between an evoskin and a template? *An evoskin is actually a collection of templates and subtemplates which control the layout of your blog. Sk…More »
  • Quick Upgrade Procedure

    Note: This method has been deprecated in favor of the Auto-Upgrade Procedure. In some restricted cases detailed below, you may not need to go through the Standard Upgrade Procedure. However, you can always use the Standard Upgrade Procedure for any…More »
  • International Manuals

    This page is for linking manuals and tutorials in other languages. (Full length tutorials or sites on b2evolution only; not for individual blog posts) If you want to start a manual/help site in your own language, please let us know.More »
  • Known Issues

    2004-01-01 Pingbacks Pingbacks won’t work with PHP 4.2. opensocket() implementation seems to be buggued in PHP 4.2. Pingbacks work fine with newer versions of PHP. Please note that pingback implementation itself was buggued in b2 but has bee…More »
  • Online Help

    When the online help feature is enabled, help icons ([[Image:Icon_help.gif]]) are displayed next to certain features within b2evolution. Clicking on these links will open the relevant help topic from manual.b2evolution.net in a new browser window. More »
  • Pretty URL

    Let’s assume you have a default installation of b2evolution: * ‘'’Blog All”’ can be accessed through <code>index.php?blog=”’1′'’</code> * ‘'’Blog A”’ can be acce…More »
  • Pro WordPress Theme Conversion

    The quick tips on WordPress Themes? can be used to get a quick working prototype in b2evolution. However, for professional skins converted from WordPress themes, you will also want to look at the following: * Use the "evopress" skin in b2evo…More »
  • Skin/Plugin XML Descriptions

    This page specifies possible tags, attributes and values for the xml files describing the skins, and possibly the plugins, their latest version, etc. In the end I think we have 3 to 4 different xml file formats: * 1) skininfo.xml which ships along wit…More »
  • Template Tag: Item Views

    Display a phrase about the number of item views. Example <source lang="php"> $Item->views( $zero = ‘#’, $one = ‘#’, $more = ‘#’ ); </source> Parameters <table border="1"&g…More »
  • Version

    Stable release The most stable release can always be downloaded from the Downloads section. This is the version recommended for most users. Old releases A history of all previous releases is available here. We do not recommended that you use an…More »
  • How to Change the Appearance of my Permalinks

    The default [[Permalink|permalinks]] in b2evolution look something like:<br /> <nowiki>http://www.yoursite.com/blogs/index.php?title=post_title&c=1&tb=1&pb=1&more=1</nowiki> You can change this behavior to something c…More »
  • CVS / SourceForge

    Overview b2evolution is developed in a central CVS? repository at [http://sf.net SourceForge.Net]. This allows users to grab any version of b2evolution they want, including the latest development version. The normal way of obtaining b2evolution is thr…More »

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