• User Profile Disps

  • disp = 404

    This Disp is used when b2evolution cannot find or understand what information is requested through the URL. Different behaviors can be configured through the SEO Settings > Other pages Panel. Details about the cause of the 404: You can determine the…More »
  • disp = access_denied

    This Disp is used when the current collection is private and the current User is not allowed to access it. Collections can be made private through the Collection Permission Settings. This, of course, only applies as long as the particular skin you are…More »
  • disp = access_requires_login

    This Disp is similar to disp = login and is used when the current collection is private and actually requires the User to login before displaying the content. Collections can be made private through the Collection Permission Settings. This only works if…More »
  • disp = activateinfo

    This Disp is used to display instructions to Users on how to activate their account. They can also use it to request for a new activation email if needed. This only works if In-skin login is activated in In-skin Action Settings. This, of course, only…More »
  • disp = arcdir

    This Disp is used to display a directory of archive pages. The type of archives being displayed can be configured in the collection Features > Other > Archives Panel. This, of course, only applies as long as the particular skin you are using…More »
  • disp = catdir

    This Disp is used to display a hierarchical view of categories and sub-categories of a collection. This, of course, only applies as long as the particular skin you are using doesn’t completely override the behavior of b2evolution’s default…More »
  • disp = comments

    This Disp is used to display the latest comments of the current collection. The display is controlled by the settings found in the collection Features > Other displays > Latest Comments. This, of course, only applies as long as the particular skin…More »
  • disp = contacts

    This Disp is displays the list of contacts the current User has established on this b2evolution installation.More »
  • disp = download

    This Disp is used to download a file which is attached to a Item/Post.More »
  • disp = edit

    This Disp is used to display the in-skin edit form for a Post. This is also used for creating new posts directly in the skin.More »
  • disp = edit_comment

    This Disp is used to display the in-skin edit form for a Comment.More »
  • disp = feedback-popup

    This Disp is deprecated. It was used in early versions to display the comments for a post in a popup window.More »
  • disp = flagged

    This Disp is used to display the current user’s list of flagged items. This requires the user to be logged in.More »
  • disp = front

    This Disp is used to display a special front page, which typically depends on the current skin you are using.More »
  • disp = help

    This Disp is used to display a help page for Visitors having an issue with the site.More »
  • disp = login

    This Disp is used to display a login form. This is basically the login page of your site (or at least one of them).More »
  • disp = lostpassword

    This Disp is used to display a password recovery form that Users can use if they lost their password.More »
  • disp = mediaidx

    This Disp is used to display an index of media files found in the current Collection. In other words: images, videos, and sounds attached to Posts of the current Collection.More »
  • disp = messages

    This Disp is used to display the list of messages in a private conversation. This disp requires an additional thrd_ID= param.More »
  • disp = msgform

    This Disp is used to display a message form. By default it allows to contact the Owner of the current Collection but it can also be used to contact other users who allow it.More »
  • disp = page

    This Disp is used to display a Standalone Page, i-e a post with the "Page" Post Type.More »
  • disp = postidx

    This Disp is used to display a list of all Posts in the current collection.More »
  • disp = posts (List of Posts / Items)

    This Disp is used to display a list of Items/Posts, filtered or not with additional params. This is the most common front page of a Blog.More »
  • disp = proposechange

    This Disp is used to display the in-skin form to propose changes to a Post without immediately affecting the public version:More »
  • disp = register

    This Disp is used to display a registration form.More »
  • disp = search

    This Disp is used to display the search form and search results. In v6.6+, the search uses a ranking algorithm in order to present the most relevant results on top. The display is influenced by the settings found in the collection Features > Other…More »
  • disp = single

    This Disp is used to display a single post, typically with its comments below.More »
  • disp = sitemap

    This Disp is used to display a human-readable sitemap for the current collection. If you are looking for an XML Sitemap instead check here: Sitemaps Panel.More »
  • disp = tags

    This Disp is used to display a list (tag cloud) of Tags for the current collection.More »
  • disp = terms

    This Disp is used to display the terms & conditions of your site, if you want users to explicitly accept them.More »
  • disp = threads

    This Disp is used to display the list of private conversations for the current User.More »
  • disp = usercomments

    This Disp is used to display the list of all Comments that a User has created on this system.More »
  • disp = useritems

    This Disp is used to display the list of all Posts that a User has created on this system.More »
  • disp = users

    This Disp is used to display the user directory. In case of a private collection, the directory can be filtered to show members only.More »
  • disp = visits

    This Disp is used to show a list of Users who has visited the currently logged-in user’s profile.More »
  • disp_detail = posts-cat

    This is a variation of disp = posts (List of Posts / Items) where posts are filtered on a selection of multiple categories:More »
  • disp_detail = posts-date

    This is a variation of disp = posts (List of Posts / Items) where the posts are filtered on a specific date range, for example a specific month. This would be a typical "Archive page".More »
  • disp_detail = posts-default

    This is the same as disp = posts (List of Posts / Items) but $disp_detail is set to posts-default if we are on the front page of the current Collection.More »
  • disp_detail = posts-filtered

    This is a variation of disp = posts (List of Posts / Items) where the posts are filtered using any filter other than a specific category, date or page, with each of these having their own $disp_detail.More »
  • disp_detail = posts-next

    This is a variation of disp = posts (List of Posts / Items) where we are no longer on the most recent or the first page of the posts list but rather on page 2, 3, 4, etc.More »
  • disp_detail = posts-subcat

    A variation of disp = posts (List of Posts / Items) and disp_detail = posts-cat where posts are filtered on a sub-category, i-e: a category that is not a top-level category.More »
  • disp_detail = posts-tag

    This is a variation of disp = posts (List of Posts / Items) where the posts are filtered on a specific tag.More »
  • disp_detail = posts-topcat

    A variation of disp = posts (List of Posts / Items) and disp_detail = posts-cat where posts are filtered on a single top-level category.More »

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