• disp = avatar

    This Disp allows the current User to their profile picture(s). The User can set his main profile picture as well as additional pictures he may wish to publish. This Disp also has an equivalent in the Back-Office; see: Profile Picture Tab This, of…More »
  • disp = closeaccount

    This Disp is used to display a form asking the User to confirm he wants to close his account and leave a little bit of feedback. NOTES: The Admin cannot close his account. Regular Users can only close their account if this feature is enabled here:…More »
  • disp = profile

    This Disp is used to display a form where the current User can edit the basics of his user profile. The settings that the user is allowed to change are controlled through User Settings > Profiles and User fields. This, of course, only applies as long…More »
  • disp = pwdchange

    This Disp displays a form where the current User can change his password. This Disp also has an equivalent in the Back-Office; see: Password Tab. This, of course, only applies as long as the particular skin you are using doesn’t completely…More »
  • disp = subs

  • disp = user

    This Disp is used to display (read-only) the user profile of a User. If called without requesting a specific user, the profile of the Owner of the current Collection is displayed. The display is influenced by User Settings > Display and User fields.…More »
  • disp = userprefs

    This Disp is used to display an interface where the current User can change his preferences(s). The settings that the user is allowed to change are controlled through User Settings > Profiles. This, of course, only applies as long as the particular skin…More »

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