• Running b2evolution on a local server (your own computer) is often desirable for testing, editing skins, running the CVS (latest development) version, or for a variety of other reasons. ‘’This is ‘'’not”’ a way to upd… more »
  • This plugin is freely available but is supported only through PRO Support. The LDAP plugin provides authentication by querying one or more LDAP servers. When b2evolution’s login form is submitted, the plugin will intercept the login request to…More »
  • In b2evolution v6+, XML Sitemaps are generated automatically and can be accessed by adding ?tempskin=_sitemap to the URL of your collection. Example: https://your-site.com/your-collection-name/?tempskin=_sitemap . Notes: This feature is only active if… more »
  • Why should I monetize my website? The more success you have with your blog / website, the more time and money you’re going to invest to update it and host it properly. At some point you may think: wouldn’t it just be nice to have my site pay… more »
  • This panel allows you to toggle the use of comments, add a custom message before the comment form, allow the closing and disabling of comments, and use of comment expiration for a particular item type. more »
  • The Collection base URL panel lets you configure what the root URL of your collection will look like. This requires Collection Admin permission. more »
  • Goal Display several Posts/Items as Tabs that can be switched instantly (if Javascript is enabled) like this: Particularities: All content is loaded at once but only one tab is visible at a time If Javascript is enables, the switching requires no HTTP… more »
  • Display Items (Posts/Pages/Links…) with switchable tabs. See Tutorial: How to Display content as Tabs on a page. more »
  • A Container, in the context of b2evolution Skins, is a space in a skin where a Collection Admin can insert Widgets in any order he wants to. Adding and ordering widgets is done entirely though the Back Office and does not require editing code. Adding… more »
  • A Widget Page is an Item that will not appear in the standard flow of Items of a collection AND that is built only with widgets. Widget pages require that you create Page container for them in the Collection Widget List. Widget pages will appear in the… more »
  • Since 2.4.0-rc2, b2evolution has support for podcast. Just upload the mp3 file to your server, enter the URL of an mp3 file into ‘Link to url:’ and select ‘Type: Podcast’. It will use a flash player on the page, and will add <… more »
  • This is where you configure if this item type will require the use of tags, an excerpt, and an item URL. You can also configure if the item type will use a parent ID, <title>, <meta> description and keywords. more »
  • Read the Custom Fields page for more information on creating custom fields. more »
  • Built-in Feature This short tag renders buttons the same way as the Param Switcher Widget. These buttons can be used to switch between / toggle visibility of divs or of lines in a Comparison Table. Syntax Breakdown Option text [/option] [/switcher]… more »
  • It is generally a good idea to try this before using a more complex form of upgrading. However, it is always advised that you make a backup of your site beforehand. more »
  • If you get error messages like "A redirection to an external URL was blocked for security reasons.", check this configuration variable. /** * Most of the time, the best security practice is to NOT allow redirects from your current site to… more »
  • In this page we will walk you through b2evolution as it should look right after your first installation... more »
  • This edit form allows you to change the plugin’s properties. more »
  • When installed, this plugin will add a "Glossary terms:" field to the Item edit form. Then, when saving other posts, this renderer plugin will try to find all glossary terms and link them to the correct Item for that Glossary Term. Markdown /…More »
  • Displays the nickname of the User in the current scope. more »
  • Displays the preferred name of the User in the current scope. more »
  • Displays the ID of the User in the current scope. more »
  • Displays the login (or username) of the User in the current scope. more »
  • Displays the last name of the User in the current scope. more »
  • Displays the full name (first name + last name) of the User. more »
  • Displays the first name of the User. more »
  • Displays the email address of the current User. more »
  • Displays a User Field for the current User. The User Field to display is selected by code. more »
  • This will display the value of the desired param. This can display the value of any param that the Skin and/or calling Widget and/or calling Short Tag (like ) may have passed to the current template. This can be used, for example, to inject CSS class… more »
  • This tag displays a permanent link to the Item Tag page (list of post that match that tag). more »