By enabling the workflow features in a collection, you will be able to assign additional information to items in the collection to aid in the information management processes.
These additional workflow fields are:
- Priority: items can be assigned a priority to facilitate the information control process. The following priorities are available: Highest, High, Medium, Low and Lowest. Each level has its own color to make it easier to visualize the priority of items.
Assigned to: you can assign a user to be responsible for a particular item by selecting from a list of available users.
- If the advanced permissions is disabled on the collection, the list will show all the active users on the site.
- Otherwise, the list will only be populated with users with ‘can_be_assignee’ permission via Advanced Permissions. Users that belongs to groups where the same permission has been granted will also be included in the potential assignee list.
If the number of available assignee is less than or equal to 20, their logins will be displayed as a select list. Otherwise, a user search box will be provided instead.
- Task Status: each item can be assigned a particular status. You can fully customize the list of available status for each item type. For more information on how to customize the list of item status please read: Managing Item Statuses.
- Deadline: you can set the date and time when an item is due.
The workflow properties of each Item can be edited in several places like: