API means Application Programming Interface. It describes a set of rules that allows 2 pieces of software to work together. In b2evolution, there are several types of APIs: The External APIs / Web Services that allows external and/or remote applications…More »
  • Admin Interface

    A synonym for the Back-office.More »
  • After more position

    Files set as "After more" position at the Linked Files Manager are shown in the disp=single? screen after the tag <!-- more -->. In those cases when the item does not content the mentioned tag, then the files are shown right at the end o…More »
  • Anonymous User

    A Site Visitor that is not logged in (yet), either because he has no user account (yet) or because he chose not to log in (yet).More »
  • Author

    A person who publishes a Post/Item into a Collection. The Author of a Post also automatically becomes the Owner of that post.More »
  • Back-Link

    Backlink is the term some use for the link in your skin to b2evolution.net. Giving credit to the b2evolution project is not a requirement of using the software, but forum users are not required to help you either. Users who are willing to have that link…More »
  • Back-Office

    The Back-Office, also called the Admin Interface is the part of b2evolution you can access under /evoadm.php. It can only be accessed by Logged-in Users with appropriate permissions. See: Back-office ReferenceMore »
  • Base URL ($baseurl)

    Base URL can refer to 2 things: The base URL configured for the whole b2evolution instance The base URL configured for each Collection Base URL of b2evolution The Base URL of your b2evolution installation is the web address you use to access the…More »
  • Bubble Tips

    Bubble tips are help bubbles that display when you hover over a username. They show the profile picture and a few details about the User.More »
  • CamelCase

    CamelCase? defines a way of writing text in which several words are concatenated into one, with each first letter being capitalized. For example, the string "the quick brown fox" would become "TheQuickBrownFox" in CamelCase?.More »
  • Category

    Synonym for Section or Chapter. All Posts are placed into one or several Categories. A Main category is always required. Additional categories are called Extra categories. Categories can be organized into hierarchies of Sub Categories with an infinite…More »
  • Collection

    A Collection is the generic term used in b2evolution to define a collection of Posts/Items/Articles/Topics/Manual Pages/etc. that are bound together to form a Blog, Forum, Online Manual, etc.More »
  • Collection Admin

    A User who has permission to edit all settings (including admin settings) of a Collection. The settings that can only be edited by Collection admins are identified with a "Coll. Admin" badge.More »
  • Collection Member

    A Logged In User can be declared to be a Member of a Collection through the Advanced Permissions system. See List of Permissions. Being a Collection Member may allow him or her to see contents that non-members may not see.More »
  • Collection Owner

    The Blog Owner or Collection Owner is the User designated as the Owner in the Collection Permission Settings. The owner of a Collection will have almost all permissions on that Collection’s settings and contents. A few special settings (which are…More »
  • Collection Template List

    This panel allows you to quickly create new collections by using existing collections as templates or models.More »
  • Comment

    When a Post is published on a Blog, SiteVisitors? as well as SiteUsers? can leave comments on that post (unless the option is turned off). Comments typically appear under the post.More »
  • Container

    A Container, in the context of b2evolution Skins, is a space in a skin where a Collection Admin can insert Widgets in any order he wants to. Adding and ordering widgets is done entirely though the Back Office and does not require editing code. Adding…More »
  • Content Block

    A "Content Block" is a piece of content, similar to a post (with text, inline images, an owner, a revision history etc.) that can be included in other places of a site. Where to use a content block A content block could be included in places…More »
  • Content Moderator

    To be able to moderate content a User must be given Advanced Permissions like this: he must be allowed to edit Posts or Comments other than his own he must also be allowed to create Posts or Comments on at least two different Visibility Statuses from…More »
  • Cover position

    The file set as Album art position is shown as the thumbnail of an Album/Item at the Photo Albums Skin. Only one file could be set on this position and it will not be displayed explicitly in the album.More »
  • DB

    DB means DataBase This is the software that stores all the data manipulated by b2evolution CMS: Items, Comments, Users, etc. Only large Attachments such as images or videos are stored as Files on disk. b2evolution CMS is designed to work with the MySQL…More »
  • Datetime

    We use the term datetime just to make it clear that a date, like the IssueDate for example, includes an exact time, not just a day date.More »
  • Editor

    We use the convenient term "moderator" to designate a User who has been given Advanced Permissions to create and especially edit Posts? or Comments? having the Review, Member and/or Community Post/Comment visibility statuses. (Note the User m…More »
  • Extra Categories

    Extra categories are the secondary categories underwhich an Item/Post is filed. For example, if you are writing a Post about a good digital camera, you might want to file it under the MainCategory photography and the Extra Categories shopping and multi…More »
  • FTP

    FTP means "File Transfer Protocol". It is used to transfer files from one computer to another over the internet. In the context of using b2evolution, you may need FTP to transfer the b2evolution files from your home/work computer to your web…More »
  • Fallback position

    When a plugin can not handle a file but contains a fallback mechanism, then it will search in between the linked files to the item for any file suitable to retry whatever process it does. The potential files will be those whose name is exactly the same…More »
  • File Root

    The /media/ directory contains different subfolders that represent different File Roots. Each file root contains a different hierarchy of files and has different access permissions. In the File Manager there is a drop down menu which allows you to…More »
  • Front Office

    The Front Office is the part of b2evolution that is immediately visible to SiteVisitors? when they arrive on the site. The Front Office typically has a customized look & feel provided through a Skin or evoSkin. Accessing the front office typically…More »
  • Front Page

    A Front Page is the top level page of a Collection. If your website or b2evolution installation consists of only one Collection, then the Front Page of that Collection is also the Home Page of your site. However, if you have multiple Collections (for…More »
  • Full-Access Collection Admins

    A User part of a User Group which has "full access" permission to edit all Collections (and all their properties).More »
  • Group Level

    The level assigned to a User Group. Primary usage This is used primarily for user moderation. See UserModerator . The Group Level can be edited here: General Settings The group level is different from the User Level because User Moderators can change…More »
  • Home Page

    Your Home Page is the top level page of your website, or in this case, the top level page that b2evolution displays when you access its Base URL. Your Home Page is the Front Page of your Main Collection.More »
  • Info Page

    An Info Page is a Standalone Page that is linked directly from the Sitewide Navigation menu. In b2evolution v6, you could select a collection for Info Pages. All Standalone pages of that collection would become Info Pages. In b2evolution v7, which…More »
  • Info Page

    An Info Page is a Standalone Page that is linked directly from the Sitewide Navigation menu. In b2evolution v6, you could select a collection for Info Pages. All Standalone pages of that collection would become Info Pages. In b2evolution v7, which…More »
  • Inline position

    The Inline is a position that could be set to files linked to an item in the Post Attachments Fieldset, and let you to show the file directly in the text of the item. Currently, this position may be assigned only to image files. If you want to know more…More »
  • Intro Post

    Synonym for Item or Article.More »
  • Intro-Sub Item Type

    Contrary to common belief, the Intro-Sub Item Type & Item Usage are not used for sub categories but for "sub-pages" as explained below. Items of this type will be shown on the other "sub" pages of your blog. This means:…More »
  • Intro-Tag Item Type

    Items of this type will be shown on your tag pages (disp_detail = posts-tag), depending on which tags you have assigned to this intro post. (This is unless there’s a more "recent" Intro-All post). Item Usage: Intro-TagMore »
  • Issue Date

    Datetime at which an Item has been or will be made available to the Site Visitors.More »
  • Item

    A synonym for a Post. A single entry in a Collection, generally consisting of a title and a text among other fields of information. It has a unique ID and may have several Slugs.More »
  • Item Tag

    An Item Tag is a simple term (one or multiple words) that can be associated to an Item/Post in order to describe its contents. Each Post/Item can have multiple tags. Tags can be associated with a post in the Item Advanced Properties Panel. Existing tags…More »
  • Item Types

    Item Types (previously called Post Types ) allow you to define the characteristics of a set of Items/Posts by specifying its usage and enabling certain features for each type.More »
  • Item Usage

    The Item Usage defines the internal function of an Item Type. For example: "Blog Post", "Post with custom fields" and "Manual Page" may be 3 Item-Types that all have the usage of "In content flow Post".…More »
  • Keyboard Shortcuts

    Front-Office All front-office screen F4: same as clicking on the "Customize" evobar menu entry disp=front F2: same as clicking on "Edit ‘Intro-*’ in Front-Office…" evobar menu entry or same as Ctrl+F2 if…More »
  • Logged-in User

    A logged-in User is a Site Visitor who has identified herself with the User Credentials? (login and password) of her User Account.More »
  • Main Category

    It's the principal Category under which an Item/Post is filed. e.g. photography. See also: ExtraCategoriesMore »
  • Mass Edit the Current Post List

    This form allows the user to edit the current item list en masse. This can be useful for on-site/on-page SEO reviews.More »
  • Meta Category

    A Meta Category is a particular type of Category used to "categorize categories". More pragmatically, a Meta Category can contain sub-categories but it cannot contain Posts directly. A meta category is often used to group Forums together for…More »
  • Meta Comments / Internal Comments

    Meta comments / Internal Comments are non-public comments visible only by editors of a given post (Users who have permission to edit that post). The meta-comments allow editors to discuss the contents of the posts when a team discussion is needed to…More »
  • Moderator

    We use the convenient term "moderator" to designate a User who has been given Advanced Permissions to create and especially edit Posts? or Comments? having the Review, Member and/or Community Post/Comment visibility statuses. (Note the User m…More »
  • Owner

    a User with special privileges. In b2evolution there are basically two contexts for a Owner: Collection Owner: The owner of a Collection will have almost all permissions on that Collection’s settings and contents. A few special settings (which are…More »
  • PHP

    b2evolution works with both PHP 4 and PHP 5. You can download "PHP: Hypertext processor" at http://php.net/.More »
  • Permalink

    Permalink is short for "permanent link". It is a link that readers can use to bookmark or link to a specific blog post. This is important because a blog’s front page often changes rapidly and old blog posts often get archived and can be…More »
  • Ping

    In blog sites context, this mechanism consists in send an specific message to other site every time a new post has been published. There are plenty of reasons to use this and they lay over your needs and the service provided by the remote host. For…More »
  • Post

    Synonym for Item or Article.More »
  • Post ID

    This is the internal ID of any Item/Post/Page?/Topic in your b2evolution Database. You can find it by editing a post and looking at the top left of your edit form:More »
  • Private Message

    A Private Message is a message sent from one User to another User, or to a limited group of other Users. See: Back-Office: Messages Front-Office: disp = threadsMore »
  • Quick moderation

    A mechanism that lets Moderators approve or reject comments very quickly with 2 clicks starting from their email notifications. This feature includes a link in the new comment email notifications that let the authorized users to directly moderate a…More »
  • Recently Edited Posts Panel

    This panel displays a list of recently edited posts in the current collection.More »
  • Renderer Plugins

    Renderer plugins are plugins that will process the text of a blog Post or Item and render it in a more complex way than just plain text. Examples of this include: creating paragraphs, creating bold text, creating links, inserting images, inserting vide…More »
  • Request Title Widget

    This widget will display the title of the current section.More »
  • Section

    A Section, as introduced by b2evolution v7 allows to group several collections into a website "Section". This can be used to construct navigation menus automatically in Site Skins. As of b2evolution v7.2, sections are less useful since custom…More »
  • Site Admin or System Admin

    The person who administrates a particular b2evolution installation. WikipediaMore »
  • Site Member or Authenticated User

    A SiteVisitor that has successfully registered on the b2evolution installation.More »
  • Site Visitor

    A site visitor is anyone accessing a website powered by b2evolution.More »
  • Skin or evoSkin

    A Skin or evoSkin in b2evolution is what gives its particular look and feel to a Blog or to a Collection of any kind. Some Skins specialize in displaying a Photoblog, a Forum or an Online Manual whereas many Skins are more generic and may work for a wi…More »
  • Skins Repository

    Skins, to change the look and feel of your b2evolution, are available at http://skins.b2evolution.net/. [[Category:Skins]]More »
  • Slug

    The slug is the last part of the URL that uniquely identifies a page/resource on your b2evolution installation. For example, if you have an URL like http://www.mysite.com/cat/subcat/hello-world, in this cas the slug is hello-world. Slugs are unique wi…More »
  • Standalone Page

    A Standalone Page is an Item that will not appear in the standard flow of Items of a collection. Standalone pages will appear in the following situations: when explicitly linked to, through a menu/button widget when listed through a page list widget…More »
  • Stub File

    A Stub File is a placeholder file that will make a particlar Blog or Collection live in a particular place of your website. For example you could create a stub file called myblog.php at the root of your website so that your blog could be accessed at ht…More »
  • Teaser

    The Teaser part of a Post/Item is the first section of the post, i-e: the section between the beginning and the marker [teaserbreak]. By default, b2evolution will only display the "Teaser part" of a post while browsing a Blog/Collection and…More »
  • Teaser position

    Image files set as "Teaser" position are meant to be the reference for the item whose they are linked to. In most cases, this image appears at the top of the item, when it is displayed on the disp=single? screen. Also, at the disp=posts? scree…More »
  • Themes

    In b2evolution, a theme is called a Skin. By the way: did you know that b2evolution pioneered the concept of Skins 2 years before WordPress started supporting themes? You might be interested in this: Evolution of b2, 180° from WordPress!.More »
  • Tiny Slug

    Each Post/Item will automatically get a "Tiny Slug" like for example aY4 so you can automatically use Tiny Urls to link to your posts on social media sites such as Twitter, like for example http://www.mysite.com/aY4 Technical Info Tiny slug is…More »
  • UI

    UI means User Interface, i-e the menus, forms, buttons, links and other elements that let you interact with b2evolution.More »
  • User Account

    Anyone with a user account in b2evolution. More info: Managing UsersMore »
  • User Admin

    A User who has permission to edit other users, including their "admin settings". Those settings are identified with a "User Admin" badge. Users with the "User Admin" permission are allowed to edit/moderate all users except…More »
  • User Community

    The User Community is the set of all registered Users on the b2evolution installation (all users that have a user account on the system).More »
  • User Group

    Each User is part of a User Group. A default User Group is assigned to new users when they register. This can be configured in the RegistrationSettings?. Each User Group has specific permissions that may differ from other User Groups. When Advanced P…More »
  • User Level

    The level associated with a User account. This level determines relative permissions to other Users, such as: which contents a Content Moderator can edit. Typically they can only edit content produced by other users with a lower level than their own…More »
  • User Moderator

    A User with permission to moderate other Users. (See System Admin Permissions for granting this permission to a User Group). User Moderators can: View all user profiles Edit profiles or other users IF AND ONLY IF the other user is in a UserGroup with a…More »
  • User Permissions

    User permissions define what a user can and cannot edit, and whether they have access to the Back Office.More »
  • Website

    A website is a set of WebPages? you can access on the Internet by using a WebBrowser? on your computer, smartphone, tablet device, connected web-TV and possibly some other web-enabled devices.More »
  • Widget

    A Widget is a display element the administrator can place into a Container in order to display something specific at this place. There are many different widgets available and each can be configured in a variety of ways. Skin designers only add widget…More »
  • Widget Page

    A Widget Page is an Item that will not appear in the standard flow of Items of a collection AND that is built only with widgets. Widget pages require that you create Page container for them in the Collection Widget List. Widget pages will appear in the…More »
  • Workflow

    By enabling the workflow features in a collection, you will be able to assign additional information to items in the collection to aid in the information management processes. These additional workflow fields are: Priority: items can be assigned a…More »
  • evoBar

    After logging in as admin, you’ll notice a subtle change at the top of your browser as a new toolbar appears: the evoBar: Note: This is what you see as admin. Other users may see fewer options or no evoBar at all. See User Group permissions.. In…More »

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