• Post List Panel

    In this panel, you can configure what posts are included in the list when browsing the Collection and customize how they are presented.More »
  • Single Item View Panel

    This panel lets you select the default behavior of the post by post navigation.More »
  • Create/Edit Options Panel

    In this panel, you can configure several options that affect the creation or editing of Posts/Items.More »
  • Post Moderation Panel

    In this panel, you can configure some options related with the moderation of the posts.More »
  • Item Voting Options

    This panel allows users to cast votes on Items/Posts. You can allow them to cast positive, neutral and/or negative votes. The voting buttons are displayed using the Item Votes Widget.More »
  • RSS/Atom Feeds

    In this panel, you can configure the way your posts are listed on RSS/Atom feeds.More »
  • Item Subscriptions

    In this panel you can choose if Users are allowed subscribe to new Items/Posts/Comments email notifications.More »
  • Aggregation Panel

    This allows you to aggregate the contents of multiple ((Collections)) into the current collection.More »
  • Workflow Features Panel

    This panel lets you enable the [[Workflow]] features (disabled by default) of the collection. If workflow is enabled, you will be able to assign posts to specific users with the appropriate permissions. Additionally, you will be able to set properties like Priority, Status and Deadline for each posts.More »

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