• Comment Viewing Options

    The options in this panel lets you can define who is able to view the comments and how they will be shown.More »
  • Feedback Options Panel

    In this panel, you can select who can leave comments on your Items/Posts and what information they are allowed to post.More »
  • Voting Options

    This panel allows you to manage two specific features of the comments. Letting commenters rate the post by adding stars, using a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 as the lowest and 5 the highest. Letting other users vote for the published comments as being helpful…More »
  • Comment Moderation

    You can configure the status and moderation of comments in this panel.More »
  • RSS/Atom Feeds

    Like your contents, you can also have RSS/Atom feeds for your posts’ comments. In this panel, you can configure how much of the comments will be made available in comment feeds by tweaking the Comment feed contents option.More »
  • Comment Subscriptions

    In this panel you can choose if Users are allowed subscribe to email notifications related to Comments.More »
  • Registration of Commenters

    This panel has options to offer anonymous commenters to register after submitting their comments, and to detect and protect email addresses in the comments.More »
  • Comment Recycle Bin

    This panel allows you to specify the number of days a recycled comment is kept in the recycle bin before it is purged. Warning: This setting affects ALL collections in the system.More »
  • Meta Comments Features Panel for Front-Office

    Check if you want Meta Comments to be displayed in the front-office (typically after the regular comments, on disp = single). If not checked, the meta comments will appear only in the back-office (e-g: on the Item Edit Screen).More »

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