- Description: Simplified Item list for listing posts in the current collection Parameter: Block Title - specify the title that you want this widget to display in your blog(default entry: Contents)Parameter: Group by - this will specify the grouping setti… more »
- This widget displays common navigation links such as "Home", "Recently", "Archives", "Categories", "Latest Comments"… This widget is not very useful anymore since we have a "Menu"… more »
- This widget displays a list of links to the archives. It links to monthly archives by default, but this is configurable. more »
- This widget displays a calendar where each day that has posts is a link. Clicking on a day displays the post list (post "archives") for that day. more »
- This widget displays a tag cloud for the current collection (or for one/multiple other "source collections" if specified). Clicking on a tag goes to the post list (in the "destination collection" if specified), filtered on the… more »
- This widget displays the content hierarchy of the current collection. This should be what you see in the left column of this manual page. The content hierarchy is a mix of the Categories, sub-categories, and the Posts they contain. more »
- This widget displays a (hierarchic) list of all the categories of the current collection. more »
- In b2evo 7.2+, this widgets has been merged with Menu Link or Button Widget This widget displays a configurable menu entry to show the current User’s Flagged Items. These will be displayed through disp = flagged. This widget differs from a normal… more »
- In b2evo 7.2+, this widgets has been merged with Menu Link or Button Widget This widget displays a configurable menu entry for "My profile". This differs from normal menu links because it can have a mini profile picture in front of it. It is… more »
- Description: Messages or Contacts menu entry/linkParameter: Link Type - specify which section of your blog you want this widget to link to such as messages (default setting) or contacts and others.Parameter: Link text - the text that will appear on the… more »
- This widget will display a list of all collections that are owned by the currently logged-in user. more »
- Description: Display list of all blogs marked as publicParameter: Title - specify the title that you want this widget to display in your blog (default entry: All Blogs)Parameter: Order by - this will specify the sorting setting of your items, either by… more »
- This widget displays a Poll and it can be placed virtually anywhere. more »
- This widget displays the content of an Item or Standalone Page. more »
- This widget will display the intro post or a featured post if one is available for the current collection. more »
- Allows for inserting vertical and/or horizontal space between other widgets. more »
- This widget is designed to display any image ( based on the filename you provide ), anywhere where a widget can be placed, with no specific role. more »
- This widget will display any HTML code you want. You can basically use it anywhere. more »
- This widget allows to add a free text anywhere you can add a widget. The text can be rendered with different Renderer Plugins such as Markdown or Short Links. Settings Block Title: optional title to display. Block content: the text content to display.… more »
- This displays the recent hits on your b2evolution installation and you can filter or search them in multiple ways. more »
- Newslettering is an option offered by b2evolution which users with the specific permissions are able to send massive messages to another users that they have previously selected (to read more about newsletters). In this section, you are able to control… more »
- This renderer plugin escapes code enclosed in <code>, [codespan], [codeblock] as well as MarkDown code blocks. This allows to include code blocks even in collections that accept HTML format.More »
- This screen displays the result of the execution of the next scheduled job in queue. This enables you to test b2evolution’s internal scheduler. However this is not how the scheduler should normally run. Note: you can also test in terminal/ssh with… more »
- Stale posts are posts that have not been updated within the set delay for the collection they are in. This task will send a notification to moderators to alert them of the stale content. more »
- Check if you want to enable the display of user profile visits. This will enable a "Visits" tab (disp = visits) where Users can see who visited their profile. more »
- This page shows a stacked column graph and a table of the total number of emails sent from your site per day. The displayed number of emails sent are broken down into the following statuses: Opened: emails that were sent to and opened by recipient Sent:… more »
- You can create a new or edit an existing country using this form. Code: the ISO 3611 code of the country. Name: the name of the country. Default currency: select the default Currency of the country, if any. more »
- You can create a new or edit an existing currency using this form. Code: the ISO 4217 code of the currency. Shortcut: the symbol for the currency. Name: the name of the currency. more »
- You can create a new or edit an existing region using this form. Country: specify the Country where the region is located. Region: select the Region where the sub-region belongs to. Code: the code of the sub-region. Name: the name of the sub-region. more »