- b2evolution CMS User Manual
- Back-office Reference
- Emails
- Email Lists
- Email List Subscribers
Email List Subscribers
This screen shows the lost of all subscribers to the current List. You can filter this list with a variety of filters.

Columns displayed in the list of subscribers:
- Login, First name, Last name, Nickname, Email: self explanatory
- Subscribed: Is this user still subscribed to the current list + date & time of last subscription ("last" in case he unsubscribed and resubscribed)
- Unsubscribed: date & time of last unsubscription ("last" in case he unsubscribed, resubscribed and unsubscribed again)
- Last sent: date & time a campaign was last sent to this user as part of his subscription to this list
- Last opened: date & time an email received as part of his subscription to this list was last opened by the user
- Last clicked: date & time an email received as part of his subscription to this list was last clicked by the user
- # of campaigns sent: number of campaigns sent to the user as part of his subscription to this list,