• Collection Type Panel

    This panel displays the type of the current collection.More »
  • Changing the Collection Type

    This allows you to change the type of a collection. Do this for example if you started with a photo album but want to transform it into a blog. Or if you started with a blog and realize it would be better presented as a hierarchic manual.More »
  • Collection Demo Contents

    This panel lets you create some demo content to try out when creating a new collection.More »
  • Collection General Parameters

    Main configuration parameters for the current collection. Settings that can be configured in this panel includes: collection logo/image, title, short name, URL "filename", favicon, and collection section.More »
  • Collection Language / Locale Panel

    The Main locale for your collection will be the default language/locale for new posts and also the default language/locale for the navigation links, comment forms, etc.More »
  • Collection Duplicate Options

    When duplicating a collection, this panel gives you the option to duplicate the original collection's contents and/or comments.More »
  • Collection Permissions

    This panel lets you select high-level Permission settings for the current Collection.More »
  • List of Collections

    This panel allows you to select when you want the current collection to appear and also set the order it will appear in the list of collections.More »
  • Collection Description

    This panel allows you to set descriptive text about the current collection that can be displayed in various parts of the site.More »
  • Metadata Features

    This tab allows you to set the meta data for your collection.More »

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