• Common Helper CSS Classes

    b2evolution includes some default CSS classes that can be applied to various Widgets and/or Short Tags in order to easily control some display aspects. If these are not sufficient, you can also add your own classes. For widgets children-widgets-inline…More »
  • Custom Fields Short Tags

    Short tags used to display Custom Fields
  • [audio:] Short Tag

    The [audio:] short tag is used to render an audio player for an attached file, using the first audio player plugin available.More »
  • [cblock:] Short Tag

    Built-in Feature / Renderer Plugin This is alias for Short Tag allows displaying a Content Block within the content of any Item/Post or even another Content Block.More »
  • [div:] Short Tag

    Built-in Feature This short tag allows grouping paragraphs into a <div> and apply some CSS classes. Note: ...[/div] generates a block element (<div class="optional classnames"…More »
  • [emailcapture:] Short Tag

    This will display an email capture form (through the Email capture / Quick registration widget) and automatically register users to a mailing list.More »
  • [file:] Short Tag

    This short tag will show a link icon that will open the specified attached file when clicked.More »
  • [image:] Short Tag

    This short tag will insert the attached file as a responsive image (typically using the full width of the text column) with optional caption.More »
  • [include:] Short Tag

    Built-in Feature / Renderer Plugin This "short tag" allows displaying a Content Block within the content of any Item/Post or even another Content Block. It has an alias Short Tag. IMPORTANT: is actually processed by the Include Content Block…More »
  • [inline:] Short Tag

    The short tag [inline:] will insert the attached image file as a very simple tag pointing to the original file.More »
  • [pagebreak] Short Tag

    This tag allows to have multi-page posts. This used to be really popular in the days when CPM ad banners were cluttering the pages and site editors wanted to generate as many page views as possible.More »
  • [poll:] Short Tag

    This short tag allows the display of the Poll Widget within the content of any post/article/page. This tag will be rendered by the Polls Plugin renderer (if it is configured to do so).More »
  • [subscribe:] Short Tag

    This short tag allows logged-in Users to subscribe to an email list. If they are already subscribed, the button toggles to allows to unsubscribe.More »
  • [switcher:] Short Tag

    Built-in Feature This short tag renders buttons the same way as the Param Switcher Widget. These buttons can be used to switch between / toggle visibility of divs or of lines in a Comparison Table. Syntax Breakdown Option text [/option] [/switcher]…More »
  • [teaserbreak] Short Tag

    This short tag allows to mark the separation between the Teaser of a post and the body of the post. In many views, b2evolution will display only the Teaser of a post and a "Read more" or "Full story" link will appear at the position of the tag.More »
  • [thumbnail:] Short Tag

    The inline [thumbnail:] tag is a placeholder inserted in the content to be replaced by a thumbnail image when the post is displayed.More »
  • [video:] Short Tag

    The [video:] short tag is used to render a video player for an attached file using the first video player plugin available.More »

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