• Guided Tour - Front Office

    In this page we will walk you through b2evolution as it should look right after your first installation...More »
  • Guided Tour - Back-Office

    In this page, we will walk you through the Back-Office a.k.a. the Admin Interface. This is the place where you do all the administrative tasks that the general public of your site doesn’t have access to. (Note that you can actually set very…More »
  • Guided Tour - Taking Control

    This page will guide you through the process of taking control of your site. We will show you: How to customize your site; How to add & remove collections; How to change the look & feel; How to add & remove content. At the end of this guide…More »
  • Guided Tour - The Invisibles

    b2evolution actually includes quite a few invisible features. This guide will reveal them to you so that you know they are there when you need them: Responsive images When you upload images to b2evolution, it will store the original high resolution file…More »

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