Item Type Form
This form is used to define all the properties of an Item Type. You can also customize how posts of a specific Item Type will look like when they are created or edited in the Front Office.

Item Type: General Settings Panel
This panel contains the general settings for the Item Type.More » -
Item Type: Structured Data Panel
This panel lets you select a schema to markup your Item/Post with structured data. b2evolution uses schema maintained by » -
Item Type: Use of Instructions Panel
These options allow you to display custom instructions in the Item Edit Screen (Back-Office) and Inskin Edit Screen (Front-Office).More » -
Item Type: Features Panel
This is where you configure if this item type will require a Title, add an optional short title, a content Text, if that text can be HTML, if there can be teaser and page breaks, if files can be attached and if the post can be featured (e-g:…More » -
Item Type: Use of Advanced Properties Panel
This is where you configure if this item type will require the use of tags, an excerpt, and an item URL. You can also configure if the item type will use a parent ID, <title>, <meta> description and keywords.More » -
Item Type: Use of Location
This is where you configure if the item type should require the use of location data such as country, region, sub-region, city, and/or coordinates.More » -
Use of Comments in an Item
This panel allows you to toggle the use of comments, add a custom message before the comment form, allow the closing and disabling of comments, and use of comment expiration for a particular item type.More » -
Item Type: Custom Fields Panel
Read the Custom Fields page for more information on creating custom fields.More » -
Item Type: Allowed Item Statuses
This list will let you manage which Item Statuses can be assigned to the current Item Type when using the Workflow View for example.More »