• Template functions

    This man page refers to b2evo version This is a list of functions you can use in templates. They are sorted by purpose. Note: There is also an obsolete manual page that may still have some interesting info. For more information about how to…More »
  • Template Tags

    This page describes the functions used within a [[Skins_2.0|skin template (v 2.x)]] in order to inject the dynamic data into your blog design. (For versions 1.x, please see [[Main.php_functions]]) Below is a listing of available template tags linking t…More »
  • Tag Plugins Call By Code

    This tag display plugin. Example The calendar plugin. Its code is evo_Calr. <source lang="php"> // Calendar plugin $Plugins->call_by_code( ‘evo_Calr’, array( ‘block_start’ => ‘&#821…More »
  • Tag User Subs Link

    This template tag displays a link to subscription screen Example <source lang="php"> user_subs_link( $before = ‘’, $after = ‘’, $link_text = ‘’, $link_title = ‘#’ ); </source>…More »
  • Tag User Register Link

    This template tag displays registration link. Example <source lang="php"> user_register_link( $before = ‘’, $after = ‘’, $link_text = ‘’, $link_title = ‘#’, $disp_when_logged_in = false…More »
  • Tag User Profile Link

    This template tag displays a link to user profile. Example <source lang="php"> user_profile_link( $before = ‘’, $after = ‘’, $link_text = ‘’, $link_title = ‘#’ ); </source> Par…More »
  • Tag User Logout Link

    This template tag displays link to logout Example <source lang="php"> user_logout_link( $before = ‘’, $after = ‘’, $link_text = ‘’, $link_title = ‘#’ ); </source> Parameters &…More »
  • Tag User Login Link

    This template tag displays link to login Example <source lang="php"> user_login_link( $before = ‘’, $after = ‘’, $link_text = ‘’, $link_title = ‘#’ ); </source> Parameters &lt…More »
  • Tag Skin Get URL

    This template tag returns the current skin URL. Example <source lang="php"> $Skin->get_url(); </source> Parameters This tag does not accept any parameters. Return value This function returns the current skin URL.More »
  • Tag Skin Get Path

    This template tag returns the current skin path. Example <source lang="php"> $Skin->get_path(); </source> Parameters This tag does not accept any parameters. Return value This function returns the current skin path.More »
  • Tag Skin Container

    This [[TemplateTags|template tag]] adds a widget container to the skin. This container can later be filled with all sorts of Widgets?. Example <source lang="php"> <?php // ———————…More »
  • Tag Powered By

    Display "powered by b2evolution" logo. Example <source lang="php"> powered_by(); </source> Parameters This tag does not accept any parameters. Return value This tag displays content only, it does not have a ret…More »
  • Tag Is Logged In

    This template tag checks if user is logged in. Example <source lang="php"> is_logged_in(); </source> Parameters This tag does not accept any parameters. Return value This function return true if a user is logged in.More »
  • Include Disp

    This handler includes a "second level" a.k.a. "disp" template based on the value of the $disp variable, i-e: based on the type of content that should be displayed on the current page.More »
  • Tag Display If Empty

    Display message if there are no any posts. Example <source lang="php"> <?php display_if_empty( array ( ‘before’ => ‘<p class="msg_nothing">’, ‘after’…More »
  • Tag Comment Allowed Tags

    This template tag displays allowed tags for comment. Example <source lang="php"> comment_allowed_tags( $format = ‘htmlbody’ ); </source> Parameters <table border="1"> <tr> <th>Nam…More »
  • Tag Blog Tagline

    Display tagline of the blog. This tagline can be edited by the blog owner in the admin interface under ‘Blog Settings > General > Tagline’. Example <source lang="php"> <?php $Blog->tagline( array(…More »
  • Tag Blog Name

    Display name of the blog. This name can be edited by the blog owner in the admin interface under ‘Blog Settings > General > Title’. Example <source lang="php"> <?php $Blog->name( array( ‘b…More »
  • Tag Blog Longdesc

    Display long description of the blog. This long description can be edited by the blog owner in the admin interface under ‘Blog Settings > General > Long Description. Example <source lang="php"> <?php $Blog->longd…More »
  • Tag Blog Home Link

    Display a link to the current blog. This tag can display a link to the home if no blog is currently active or a link to a blog if there is an active blog. Example <source lang="php"> blog_home_link( $before = ‘’, $after…More »
  • Tag Blog Footer

    ‘’b2evolution version 2.4′’ This [[TemplateTags|template tag]] displays the footer text of the current Blog. This footer text can be edited by the blog owner in the admin interface under Blog Settings > Advanced > [[Blog_m…More »
  • Tag Blog Contact Link

    This [[TemplateTags|template tag]] displays a link leading to the contact form for the owner of the current Blog. Example <source lang="php"> <?php $Blog->contact_link( array( ‘before’ => ‘ &#82…More »
  • app_version();

    Display application version. Example <source lang="php"> app_version(); </source> Parameters This tag does not accept any parameters. Return value This tag displays content only, it does not have a return value.More »
  • Tag Request Title

    Display a global title matching filter params Example <source lang="php"> <title> <?php request_title( array( ‘auto_pilot’ => ’seo_title’, ‘title_single_before’ => $Blo…More »
  • Include Item Content

    You can customize the default item feedback by copying the generic /skins/_item_feedback.inc.php file into the current skin folder.More »
  • User::get_identity_link()

    This template tag displays registration link. Example <source lang="php"> user_register_link( $before = ‘’, $after = ‘’, $link_text = ‘’, $link_title = ‘#’, $disp_when_logged_in = false…More »
  • Item Tags

  • Category Tags

  • User Tags

  • Other Tags

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