• Collection Base URL Panel

    The Collection base URL panel lets you configure what the root URL of your collection will look like. This requires Collection Admin permission.More »
  • Cookie Settings Panel

    These settings let you control the cookie domain and cookie path of the cookies that b2evolution will set (especially the session cookie) when a user browses this collection.More »
  • Assets URLs / CDN Support Panel

    This allows you to use a Content Distribution Network (CDN). This is also useful in case you are using a Multi Domain Setup, so you can choose which domain to use for loading your /rsc/ assets, your /media/ files and additional assets used by /skins/.More »
  • Date Archive URLs Panel

    This panel allows you to choose between using a query param or extra path for date archive URLs.More »
  • Category URLs Panel

    This defines how the URLs used for disp_detail = posts-cat, disp_detail = posts-topcat and disp_detail = posts-subcat are generated and accessed.More »
  • Tag Page URLs Panel

    This defines the URL format for disp_detail = posts-tag.More »
  • Single Post URLs Panel

    This defines the URL format for disp = single.More »
  • User Profile URLs

    Available in an upcoming release Will be released in one of the 7.0.x versions. This allows to control the prefix that is used for clean user profile URLs of the form: http://domain.com/user:maryMore »
  • Collection Tiny URLs Settings

    Tiny URLs or Short URLs are shorter URLs to your content, which can be useful when positing on social media. By default, b2evolution will generate Tiny URLs for all your content, base on your baseurl. But if you actually have a short domain that…More »

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