Installing on a Remote Server

  • Installation Guide - Getting Started

    This short guide will tell you what you need to know to install b2evolution for the first time.More »
  • Typical Web Hosting Installation with Automated Installer

    Here’s the typical procedure you will follow: Chose a web hosting company and go to their site. Select a hosting plan. The entry level hosting plan is typically enough. Just make sure it includes at least one MySQL Database (sometimes just…More »
  • UNIX Directory and File Permissions

    What are file permissions? UNIX/Linux file permissions are a way to control who can read and/or write files on your hosting account. On a shared hosting server, this will (on [ serious web hosting providers]) prevent…More »
  • - Creating a database

    This page explains how to create a MySQL database if your web host is OVH. If the contents of this page don’t make sense, start with the Installation Guide first. The screenshots are in French because OVH is mostly used in France. 0) Open the OVH…More »