• Global Hits Summary

    The Global hits sub-tab shows a bar graph and a table of daily totals that summarize each type of hit made on your site. If you are looking for the total number of hits regardless their type, look at the rightmost column that shows the total count.More »
  • Browser Hits Summary

    For each collection, you can get a graph of browser hits broken down by refered searches (from search engines), other referers, direct accesses/bookmarks, self refered (site navigation), special referers, referer spam and admin interface hits if you…More »
  • Search & Referers Hits Summary

    For each collection, you can get a graph of browser hits broken down by refered searches (from search engines) and other referers.More »
  • API Hits Summary

    For each collection, you can get a graph of API hits broken down by refered searches (from search engines), other referers, direct accesses/bookmarks, self refered (site navigation), special referers, and referer spam.More »
  • Robot Hits Summary

    For each collection you can get a graph of robot hits per day (search engine crawlers coming to index your site/collection).More »
  • RSS/Atom Hits Summary

    Sometimes, your content could be directly accesed from a special kind of applications known with different names (news agregators, feed readers, RSS readers, etc.), but with a common feature: aggregate feeds from different sources…More »

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