Comment from: ingeniero

Goals, in b2evolution, allow you to track hits on specific links and/or pages.
They are called "goals" because they serve a similar purpose as what is called "goals" in other analytics packages such as Google Analytics…
For example, if in a blog post you link to
but you would actually want to know how many people click on this link, then set up a goal with a key of "wwf" and set the field Normal Redirection URL to
Then, instead of linking to
, link to
. When that URL is loaded, track.php
will record the click and immediately redirect (302) to the destination URL specified in the Goal.
You can also track hits on any page, please consider that "any page" means that you are able to track hits on pages that are not even necessarily on your own blog. Currently, there is only one available method that is actually a little trick. All you need to do is include an empty image in the page that you would like to track. In this case, the html tag should look like this:
<img src="" width="1" height="1" />
Remember to leave the Normal Redirection URL field empty when you define the goal at Goal Settings.
As b2evolution starts recording hits on your goal, you will see that data appear under Goal Hits (simple view) and Goal Stats (more analytical view, useful when you start having multiple goals).
Is that usefull / recomended to control facebook or google adwords Advertising?