There are several different types of collections that you can use on a domain that has b2evolution installed on it.
On b2evolution v7.0 (alpha), the following collection kinds are available:
Mini-Site: Use this to build a small site consisting of a home page and only a few additional pages. Use this if you want to start with a relatively simple "page builder". If your site grows, you can always switch this to a "Home / Main" collection later.
Home / Main: Use this as a site homepage to build a large site consisting of a home page plus several sections (where each section is a separate collection). By default, this home collection will aggregate the contents of all your other collections. This collection can also be used to display all the cross-collection site features such as registration, login, user profiles, private messaging, etc.
Blog: A collection of Posts, optimized to present articles or news, sorted primarily by date. Use this is you are going to publish fresh content on a regular basis. Can be used as a section of a larger site.
Manual: A collection of Pages, optimized to present reference material organized into chapters, sub-chapters, etc. Use this if you want to publish an online manual, a reference section, a book or a guide. Can be used as a section of a larger site. Should be used with a "manual" skin.
Gallery: A collection of Albums, optimized to present photos grouped into small albums. Use this if you want to publish several images at a time, without much text. Can be used as a section of a larger site. This should be used with a "gallery" skin.
Forum: A collection of Topics (and replies), optimized to be used as an interactive discussion forum. Users will be able to post new topics and replies from the front-office. Can be used as a section of a larger site. This should be used with a "forums" skin.
Tracker: A collection of Issues, optimized for issue tracking or collaborative editing between multiple users. Look for the workflow properties on the post editing form. Can be used as a section of a larger site. Should be used with a "tracker" skin. May also be used only in back-office.
If you want to see the different features in action, each type of blog can be viewed by checking out the demo pages. You can customize the look and feel of each blog that you install by using skins, which can be previewed by going to the Skins Directory. Skins allow the user to match the appearance of the blog with its content; one domain can have multiple skins installed on it.
This implies there is more than one skin for this type of collection, it doesn’t say ‘Should be used with the "tarcker" skin, yet can’t find one. Searching the "Skins" download with the word Tracker give nil results.
This implies there is more than one skin for this type of collection, it doesn’t say ‘Should be used with the "tarcker" skin, yet can’t find one. Searching the "Skins" download with the word Tracker give nil results.