Comment from: amoun

This screen displays a list of plugins that are available for installation along with plugins that are already installed.
The list in this screen contains most of the columns found in the Installed Plugins list:
Plugin: The name of the plugin. If you click on any of them, it will redirect to the plugin information.
Description: A short description about the plugin.
Version: the version of the plugin installed.
Help: Info icon shows up information about the plugin based on its configuration. The help icon redirects you to a reference page related with the plugin.
Install link:. Clicking on this link will install the plugin on your b2evolution. Some of the plugins accept several instances, in those cases and if the plugin has been already installed, an incremental number next to a "#" character will be displayed.
This screen is accessed through System > Plugins and by clicking on the Install New button.
If you have downloaded a xyz.plugin.php
file, copy or move it to your b2evolution plugins/
If you have downloaded a plugin in a ZIP file like
, unzip the file into your plugins/
folder. If the ZIP file contains a folder for your plugin, keep that folder so that each plugin has its own folder such as plugins/xyz/
You can then (re)load the back-office page and the new plugin will appear, ready for install.
Please remember:
directory on the server.
For ( mermaid ) :~ mermaid_plugin see :)