• Using Multiple Domains

    Set up your webserver If you are using [http://b2evolution.net/web-hosting/top-quality-best-webhosting.php shared hosting], check that your hosting plan allows multiple domains and set those up as "Domain Aliases". If your are using a [http:…More »
  • Setting up a multidomain test environment

    This man page refers to b2evolution "phoenix" First, when testing a single domain, you should always use localhost and not the IP address of your machine, nor the windows name of your machine. Trust our experience that cookies may act weird on the IP…More »
  • Logging-in on multiple domains

    If you have a Multi Domain Setup, at some point you might want to log-in on several of your domains at once. First you have to remember that if you log in on www.microsoft.com, the cookie that remembers your session there will never be sent to…More »

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