• The importer is available in b2evolution 7.0.1+ but some advanced features are only available in b2evolution PRO. The Markdown importer allows you to import a directory structure containing MarkDown .md files + related images. Basic Concepts Slugs… more »
  • This screen allows to see all internal searches. It is useful to identify: Searches with no results TODO fix bug that always displays 1 Searches that had results but did not lead to any click by the user more »
  • /conf/_basic_config.php is b2evolution’s main config file. This file is created during the installation process, using the file /conf/_basic_config.template.php as a model. If you wish, you can also do this manually and enter correct settings b… more »
  • Base URL can refer to 2 things: The base URL configured for the whole b2evolution instance The base URL configured for each Collection Base URL of b2evolution The Base URL of your b2evolution installation is the web address you use to access the… more »
  • In a nutshell: you need a webserver with PHP 5 and MySQL 5 or later. more »
  • This widget will display a table of the public Custom Fields of the current Item (or of a specific Item if you specify an Item ID). more »
  • This short guide will tell you what you need to know to install b2evolution for the first time. more »
  • So you want to localize (mainly translate) b2evolution to your own language? Here’s how to do it with minimum effort by using the gettext system provided by b2evo. If this is the first time you are dealing with localization and/or gettext, you may… more »
  • If your get an error like this: 403 Forbidden You don’t have permission to access /admin.php on this server. Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.[i] There are 2 typical… more »
  • Overview b2evolution is developed in a central CVS? repository at [http://sf.net SourceForge.Net]. This allows users to grab any version of b2evolution they want, including the latest development version. The normal way of obtaining b2evolution is thr… more »
  • In the /blogs folder there should be a file called .htaccess . This file optimizes the way the Apache web server works with b2evolution? If you used the standard b2evolution installer, this file will probably be already set up properly. However, if in… more »
  • What are file permissions? UNIX/Linux file permissions are a way to control who can read and/or write files on your hosting account. On a shared hosting server, this will (on [http://b2evolution.net/web-hosting/ serious web hosting providers]) prevent… more »
  • mod_security (http://www.modsecurity.org/) is a PITA. We do not recommend its use. However, you may have this module forced on your by your webhost. Please tell us who your webhost is so we can make a list. mod_security will scan requests in the most… more »
  • FTP means "File Transfer Protocol". It is used to transfer files from one computer to another over the internet. In the context of using b2evolution, you may need FTP to transfer the b2evolution files from your home/work computer to your web… more »
  • When developing skins, enabling the little Dev menu can be very useful. How to enable the Dev menu In the _advanced.php, change the following lines: /** * Do you want to display the "Dev" menu in the evobar? * This allows to display the dev… more »
  • Before you try to debug anything, start by checking if you have caching turned on for your blog. If so, you may be seeing bugs that are cached but no longer exist. Turn caches off to make sure you see what’s going on in real time. Enable Debugging… more »
  • A b2evolution blog is made up of two distinct parts: the b2evolution program files (which includes your site layout, the backoffice, etc.) and your MySQL? database (which contains all your posts, comments, users, but not your uploaded files/images). Wh… more »
  • The latest documentation for upgrading to a higher version is included in your blog bundle, specifically in the doc directory. For example: doc/upgradefrom_b2evo.en-UK.html. The following instructions refer to the upgrade documentation included with ver… more »
  • This is where you edit the text content of your Item and it includes some tools to help you format your content. more »
  • When creating or editing a template you will be presented with this form. Name: the descriptive name of the quick template. This should display what the template is for and what type of information it displays. Code: The internal code used to reference… more »
  • This panel is where you define if users can register an account for themselves, display self-registration links to the public, and select the Quick Template to use for the registration form. more »
  • This panel include settings that control Caching and Cache Levels (see section High level caches) for the current Collection, including AJAX Forms to avoid caching of security crumbs. more »
  • This widget displays a list of the users currently online (based on a timeout you can define). more »
  • This widget display links to like and share the current page (URL) on Facebook, using the standard Facebook JavaScript widget. more »
  • This widget displays a form where logged-in users can enter the amount they pledge to contribute to a cause or project. The target amount is associated with a Custom Field in the Post/Item. more »
  • This widget will display links to switch between mobile and normal skins. more »
  • This widget displays a 404 Not Found message which you can customize. This is one of the widgets that is displayed by default in the disp = 404. more »
  • This widget allows you to configure up to seven (7) social link widgets to display. more »
  • This widget displays links to several user tools. more »
  • This widget displays a list of currently online users. This works similarly to the Whosonline Widget but displays a much simpler list. You have the option to display the currently logged-in users to anonymous users. more »