• Scheduled Jobs List

    This tab shows a list of currently scheduled jobs. Each line represents a job that is pending (waiting to be executed), currently executing (started), or has already executed: Finished, Timed out, Error.More »
  • Linux Cron Job Setup

    Warning: The following assumes you have your own Linux server with root access. Blindly following this procedure may lead to breaking your Linux setup. DO NOT do this if you don’t understand it. Use this page only as a guideline. Running the…More »
  • Scheduled job settings

    This page recaps all settings possible for the various possible scheduled jobs.More »
  • cPanel Cron Job Setup

    This solution isn’t as good as setting up a Linux cron job by far, but we mentioned it since cPanel is very widespread and somewhat easier to set up. So if your host uses cPanel as a web configuration interface, you can go to the "cron…More »
  • Windows Scheduled Task Setup

    Warning: The following assumes you have administrative access to the Windows server where b2Evolution is served from and that the Task Scheduler service is enabled. These instructions are valid for Windows Server 2000 and 2003. They will probably work…More »
  • Scheduled Job Execution Details Panel

    The Execution details panel shows details about the scheduled task as it is recorded in the scheduler log.More »
  • Scheduler Job Form

    This form lets you create/edit a Scheduled Job.More »
  • Scheduled Job Info

    Job details displays the information about the scheduled job as it is recorded in the queue.More »
  • Test Cron Job Execution

    This screen displays the result of the execution of the next scheduled job in queue. This enables you to test b2evolution’s internal scheduler. However this is not how the scheduler should normally run. Note: you can also test in terminal/ssh with…More »

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