Green Geeks in Green energy / Carbon neutral web hosting
Green Geeks30% OFF with coupon code B2E30! « U.S. EPA Green Power Partner. GreenGeeks is a recognized EPA Green Power Partner. We are the most eco-friendly web hosting service in existence today. We work with environmental foundations to purchase wind energy credits to put back into the grid three times (3X) the amount of energy we consume. In effect GreenGeeks not only wipes out our carbon footprint but we're also negating the carbon footprint of two additional companies of our size. This is in addition to already using energy efficient hardware housed in data centers which are designed to be environmentally friendly. Stick to a Green Web Hosting Provider. Your choice is important and it is important right now! You may not choose GreenGeeks as your web hosting service provider but we hope you will choose to host your website with an eco-friendly web hosting service provider. If you are starting a new website or if you are thinking about switching your web hosting to another provider please learn about the environmental impact of the web hosting industry and what contribution to that impact that your website makes. » |
GreenGeeks was great a couple of years ago, but my site goes down a couple of times a month now. Totally unacceptable performance.