Comment from: lynn hudnell

I have a question about hosting. I’ve recently bought this website above and I wasn’t aware of the need of hosting. So I’m trying to figure out if I can purchase one of these hosting programs if I already have my website? Most of these plans offer the website in the package.
Comment from: fplanque

Yes you can purchase a new hosting program even if you already have a domain or a website.
If you already have a domain name you can just specify the existing domain name when you sign up with the new hosting provider.
If you already have a complete website, you need to make sure that you sign up for a compatible hosting platform. In that case you might want to check with a sales representative of the company you have selected.
Comment from: Maryann

I went through the trouble of downloading a template with a css and am almost finished customizing it. (What a learning curve!) QUESTION: When I sign up with one of your recommended hosting sites, will I have to abandon my work and start over with their software? I have written several blog entries but haven’t chosen anything like wordpress as yet.
Comment from: Roy

I concur with this blog admin, affordable hosting play a very significant role as it promotes or smashes a business in the dust, so it is very important to choose an appropriate web Hosting service which is affordable for all. If online money making is in your mind then you need to first consider an eligible and affordable hosting service for your business. It facilitates you to choose services, set-ups and payment options; in short all the basic needs you need to start your business online and compete with your competitors.
Comment from: ladykalisse

great tips guys, keep up the good work
Comment from: Merc

What protects my sites name from being pirated, in my case the name is the whole thing. this will be a business.
Comment from: deeheat718

I have a question. I already have a domain name. But I am not quite ready to open up a website. But I currently want a web host so I can have personal e mail addresses. Can I have a web host even though I dont want to put up a website just yet?
Comment from: Sanjay

Hi I am beginer in field of in this field and want to start my own website .
Can you describe the steps I need to follow for that.
Sanjay Mishra
Comment from: jibonhossain

I have a question regarding hosting. I have recently purchased from this web site and I had unaware that the hosting service. So I am trying find out if I may buy one of these hosting Programmes if I have already my site? The majority of these plans provide the website in the box.
Comment from: Shireen

Thanks for all the help! I am just in the process of creating my first online store!
Comment from: ritesh

How to get a domain name registered and how to get a web host
Comment from: webhosting news

i have a question about hosting. HTML sites can be hosted on virtually ANY web server?
Comment from: Zoe

Thank you, very informative.
Comment from: Corbun

I have several websites, do I need a hosting package for each website or can I have just one hosting package that will host all of my websites?
Comment from: gomathi

hello.. i hav a wish to start a web site.. how to get hosting and get domain.. any one can help me fredns??? :(
Comment from: suraj bora

thanks for the info !!!!! incredible help
Comment from: Sam W

Thank you so much for this information, it was very thorough and informative.
Comment from: Domain Records Lookup

nice post………..
Comment from: harish kumar

thank you sir for sharing this information with us . Being ahead like that.
Comment from: Allen Peter

Got lot of information related to start a website. The article is really helpful in providing information of how web hosting service works and its importance. From here I got to know information about different factors needs to keep in mind while taking a web hosting services. Thanks for providing such a nice article.
Comment from: homepageusa

These points helps a lot in starrting web hosting ..Thanks sir for sharing this important information.
Comment from: Annish

Thanks Francois, you are doing great job. i take decision to start my website by using Cheap web hosting with many great features.
Comment from: anuradha

Thanks, for this wonderful guide. your thoughts defiantly gives a right path to beginners who’s looking for the right web host for their business. Really appreciate.
Comment from: kalhost.com

nice define web hosting
I like it very much it is so informative.
Comment from: Paul

Nice blog in this my question which hosting is best for eCommerce because the all are have different specification so kindly give any guide lline
Comment from: Allen

Very useful blog in terms of web hosting, the information that you have shared is extremely beneficial in terms of starting web hosting. Keep posting.
Comment from: Braxtoncina

Great Job you describe all question and there answer which have a user they want to ask when they need a hosting service
Comment from: Anne

That’s a very good explanation of most of the things that a person should have in mind when deciding how to get started with hosting. Each step has its importance – from choosing between Linux and Windows hosting, to choosing among hosting providers.
Comment from: Ridhi

this information is really helpful
Comment from: jk

I feel really nice reading these articles I mean there are writers that can write good material
Comment from: Becca Holton

That comparison of apps on your phone and websites was helpful. I’ve been curious about how to set up a website. I figure that it could be beneficial to take a common and consult with an expert of some kind.
Comment from: nazakatmunawar

Thank You,
Very Good Information about the Hosting Servers.
Comment from: nazakatmunawar

Great Work all the information is very useful.
Thanks !!!!
Comment from: Gnrao

The writer deserves compliments and appreciation. It is an eye opener for those who want to go ahead with having a website.He has explained very nicely even for a novice.He has done a good research and we all thank him heartily.I came across this only now by chance.Iam interested to know further How to get a Domain space and start all services as those mentioned but for a reasonable price along with things available at One spot domain name, web hosting,and website building and that too a dynamic one as he rightly said PUC performance,uptime and customer service.please guide me and help me. To all who are in this area My Hearty best wishes for Avery Happy and prosperous New Year.
Comment from: fastwebhost

The wonderful article very interesting.
Thanks sharing to us!
Comment from: Theemailshop

Thank you for the sharing good knowledge and information. Its very helpful and understanding.. as we are looking for this information since long time.
Comment from: Jawaad Arif

Very Nice Blog..!! Thank you for sharing this information with us. It is very useful and important information for those who are doing this work at the first time.
Comment from: Richard

Thanks for sharing informative articles about how to start a cheap web hosting services
Comment from: Bright

Thank you for such informative article. My knowledge of web hosting has increased
Comment from: cloudminister

Its very helpful and understanding,as we are looking for this information since long time.it was very thorough and informative.
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