Comment from: rauf saddique

nice article
Comment from: kalyani More

Thank you so much for this information.It will be really informative
Comment from: Jerry Peres

Excellent Article. Thank you for sharing technological difference between Cloud Hosting vs VPS Hosting. Keep sharing such technical information in your articles
Comment from: smdashik

This is the first time I read anything about Hosting things. Thank you so much, for this wonderful information. It’s so nice to have your articles to go to for solid advice.
Comment from: serverhosting

Nice article, you clearly define the difference between Cloud Hosting vs. VPS Hosting… as you said that in your article “VPS is best suited for small sites that need flexibility (root access) but need to contain their hosting costs” and “Cloud is best suited for sites that need load balancing and frequent up/down scaling depending on traffic surges"… I appreciate…
Comment from: Arpita Ghosh

The article is quite informative as well as interesting to read. Came across a good piece of writing after a long time.
Comment from: rakeshrajput

Best article to learn about Cloud Hosting vs VPS Hosting. I really love to read your article. It is always best to choose Cloud VPS Server. that offers technical service with excellent security and best services for business and websites. This is highly accurate in many reasons.
Thank you for sharing this articles.
Comment from: Atalnetworks

Cloud hosting and VPS hosting differences are very nice. thank you for granting a wonderful article
Comment from: cloudminister

Thank you for sharing this informative blog. it’s very helpful for us.
Comment from: hostingly

Interesting Article to Learn the difference b/w Cloud Hosting and VPS Hosting. I am also the WordPress Hosting Provider. I still learn from your Article. Thanks for sharing such an Information.
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