• Localizing Plugins

    Plugins that do not get shipped with b2evolution have to provide their own translations. Inside your plugin’s directory (e.g. <code>example_plugin/</code>), create a directory called <code>locales</code>, where you create…More »
  • Plugin API for item settings

    Each plugin may set its own settings for the items. These settings will be stored in the database and can be requested any time, when the Item object is available. How to set a custom setting: PHP$Item->set_setting( 'setting_name', $setti…More »
  • Coding Standard Guidelines

    These are guidelines you should follow to make your code match the existing b2evolution code. The goal is to keep the coding style consistent throughout the whole project.More »
  • How to turn plugins on/off

    This refers to b2evolution version 0.9.0 All the plugins are stored in subfolders of the /plugins folder. As of version 0.9.0, there are two types of plugins: the toolbar plugins that display on the post edit screen, and the renderer plugins that act…More »
  • How to write a new plugin

    This man page refers to b2evolution version 1.6 The easiest way is this: Make a copy of the file _test.plugin.php Rename the new file to _newname.plugin.php (choose whatever newname you want) Open the _newname.plugin.php file. Renam…More »
  • Creating A Plugin

    An ‘'’Antispam Plugin”’ is a plugin that implements methods to prevent/fight back at spam. Creating an ‘'’Antispam Plugin”’ is the same as [[CreatingPlugin|creating a "normal" plugin]]. This pag…More »
  • Plugin / Apply Rendering

    Apply rendering defines if and when a Renderer Plugin should apply its rendering method.More »
  • Plugin Documentation

    README.html To provide help for users of your plugin, you should ship with a README.html file. This file should be a standard HTML file, so it is viewable with any browser. Additionally, you should attach HTML IDs to paragraphs or DIVs which describe…More »
  • Plugins Repository

    We have a repository at http://plugins.b2evolution.net/, where you can browse plugins by category and version. For plugin developers, we have a central source code repository (Subversion) hosted at SourceForge. The project page is http://sourceforge.n…More »
  • Creating an Antispam Plugin

    An ‘'’Antispam Plugin”’ is a plugin that implements methods to prevent/fight back at spam. Creating an ‘'’Antispam Plugin”’ is the same as [[CreatingPlugin|creating a "normal" plugin]]. This pag…More »
  • List of Plugin Hooks

    Below is the list of all plugin Hooks as of b2evolution 6.7.8. For more information about each method, look at the source code: in the "test plugin" class (greatly enhanced in v6.7.8) in the Plugin class itself. Plugin information (settings,…More »

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