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In response to: Cloud Hosting vs. VPS Hosting

Comment from:


Interesting Article to Learn the difference b/w Cloud Hosting and VPS Hosting. I am also the WordPress Hosting Provider. I still learn from your Article. Thanks for sharing such an Information.

2019-11-20 @ 09:37

In response to: BlueHost Review

Comment from:

I would never recommend Blue host to host a b2evo website. They want to blame everything that goes wrong on b2evo even when it is clearly their problem. I created a default installation using their 1 click process and when installed it did not meet the suggested requirement for the application. (no apc/opcache and no APCu on share servers.

Also they blocked downloads antispam keywords from and refused to try to resolve the problem when I showed that other servers using the same software could do it easily.

After spending hours in Tech service chats I gave up an am now moving to another host.

If you like b2evolution, Bluehost is a terrible choice.

2019-11-07 @ 05:06

In response to: Dealing with Price Increases at Renewal

Comment from:

Ricardo d Argence

Also, don’t forget to review all the services you have with your provider. It may be that you don’t need some and can cancel them to save some more.

2019-02-13 @ 02:27

In response to: Cloud Hosting vs. VPS Hosting

Comment from:


Best article to learn about Cloud Hosting vs VPS Hosting. I really love to read your article. It is always best to choose Cloud VPS Server. that offers technical service with excellent security and best services for business and websites. This is highly accurate in many reasons.
Thank you for sharing this articles.

2019-02-12 @ 07:11

In response to: Web Hosting 101: How to Get Started FAST!

Comment from: Jawaad Arif

Jawaad Arif

Very Nice Blog..!! Thank you for sharing this information with us. It is very useful and important information for those who are doing this work at the first time.

2018-09-07 @ 12:32

@cre8nlove We have updated the article. There is no `blogs` subfolder anymore. It was too confusing for many people. You should now upload all the contents of the `b2evolution` folder (but not the `b2evolution` folder itself).

2018-09-07 @ 01:52

In response to: Cloud Hosting vs. VPS Hosting

Comment from: Arpita Ghosh

Arpita Ghosh

The article is quite informative as well as interesting to read. Came across a good piece of writing after a long time.

2018-09-05 @ 09:09

Well, I understand this page except that the copy of b2evolution I downloaded has no subfolder labled “bolgs", so how am I supposed to know just what to ftp to my shared web-host? The directions here say to select the “blogs” subfolder and send the contents to the web-host. … In my case the contents of the main folder that appeared as I unzipped the download do contain much of what these instructions say will be in the blogs subfolder BUT I think there are extras, like I suspect I do not need to transfer the various languages of readme files… what else? What all should I ftp, and what do I not need to? I attach a jpg of my directory folder, the unzipped b2evolution, I have changed nothing in it.
Thanks for any insight/help/guidance!

2018-09-02 @ 06:29

In response to: Cloud Hosting vs. VPS Hosting

Comment from:

Nice article, you clearly define the difference between Cloud Hosting vs. VPS Hosting… as you said that in your article “VPS is best suited for small sites that need flexibility (root access) but need to contain their hosting costs” and “Cloud is best suited for sites that need load balancing and frequent up/down scaling depending on traffic surges"… I appreciate…

2018-08-08 @ 11:31

In response to: Web Hosting 101: How to Get Started FAST!

Comment from: Theemailshop


Thank you for the sharing good knowledge and information. Its very helpful and understanding.. as we are looking for this information since long time.

2018-08-03 @ 13:39

In response to: Cloud Hosting vs. VPS Hosting

Comment from:

SMD Ashik

This is the first time I read anything about Hosting things. Thank you so much, for this wonderful information. It’s so nice to have your articles to go to for solid advice.

2018-06-28 @ 14:24