Comment from: Isum

Comment from: Bill Bass

iPage : the first year $1.99 is simply a loss leader and then they jack your price up to unimaginable rates. When you try to transfer your site away from them (which you will), they will employ every possible stall tactic, including repeatedly giving out bogus authorization codes, refusing to respond to the gaining host transfer requests, parking your domain in a bogus site called domain,com LLC, which is a black hole with no means of completing the transfer.Your site can be down for up to a year. I had to get ICANN involved with these crooks to get my domain transferred (it was down over a month while sitting in their black hole).
DON’T DO IT. If you are ever tempted to host your domain with these criminals, just refer to the line in “Vegas Vacation” where the blackjack dealer tells Clark Griswold, “…then we’ll go out back and I’ll kick you in the nuts and we’ll call it a day.” You will feel better than if you dealt with these clowns, trust me.
We’ve that the issue with iPage. Used to be a great company we have been with them for five years and recommended them to customers and associates alike.
They are not the same company we signed up with .
Monday morning we come to the office, No web site , No email, No on-line store,
Apparently due to a clerical error on their end our account was put into redemption.
Hours on hold for tech support, dozens of emails (using gmail), dozens of on line chats.
Their response “there is a ticket in we will get to it when we get to it” and when did they get to it? 5 days later…..make no mistake they held us hostage. Charged us stupid money (for what they admit was there mistake).
They couldn’t care less about you your business or your reputation . Do your home work, we are just one of hundreds iPage has done this to.
A word of advice, no matter who your web host is, keep them separate from your domain name registrar, if they are one and the same they can hold you hostage like they did us.