Make New Post UC
Main Actor
The Blogger
Actors and Motivations
The Blogger: wants to make a new Post without wasting time on technical web publishing details.
Some information is available for (even delayed) publishing.
A Blog must be set up.
Blogger must be logged in.
Success End Conditions
The new Post is recorded.
Failure End Conditions
No Post has been recorded.
Main Success Scenario
#Blogger requests to post.
#Blogger selects Blog to post into.
#System checks if Blogger has permission to post into selected Blog with a least one PostStatus?.
#Blogger enters Post details (no particular order):
##Related URL (optional)
##ExtraCategories (optional)
#Blogger optionaly chooses to PingBack? URLs mentionned in the PostText?
#Blogger optionaly enters URLs to TrackBack? from this Post
#Blogger validates new Post
#System validates Related URL and PostText?
#System makes sure the MainCategory is also in the ExtraCategories list
#System records new Post
#If PostStatus is "Published":
##System performs PingBack
##System performs TrackBack
##System performs DirectoryPings
##System provides option to Generate Static Pages
Alternative Scenarios
# At any time, the Blogger can request a spellcheck
##Call to spellchecker.
# At any time, the Blogger can request to upload/insert an image
##Select file.
##Show code.
# At any time, the Blogger can request to preview his post
##Sysem displays preview
# Post does not validate
##an error message is displayed
# At any time, the Blogger can select another Blog if he realizes he has started a post in the wrong Blog.
##System checks if Blogger has permission to post into selected Blog with a least one PostStatus?.
##MainCategory and PostStatus? are reset, but other data already entered is saved.
# Post does not validate
##An error message is displayed
##Blogger makes corrections / resume.
Additional Specs
Technical Constraints
Typically once a day for each Blog where a Blogger can post.
Can be less.
Can be as high as once every few minutes.
Open Issues