Released on April 19th, 2019.
This is a stable version of b2evolution 6.10.x, recommended for all users.
This version is focused mainly in bug fixes and stability improvements. New features are released in b2evo 6.11 and 7.0.
Released on April 19th, 2019.
This is a stable version of b2evolution 6.10.x, recommended for all users.
This version is focused mainly in bug fixes and stability improvements. New features are released in b2evo 6.11 and 7.0.
Released on February 12th, 2019.
This is a stable version of b2evolution 6.10.x, recommended for all users.
This version is focused mainly in bug fixes and stability improvements. New features are released in b2evo 6.11 and 7.0.
Released on January 14th, 2019.
This is a stable version of b2evolution 6.10.x, recommended for all users.
Released on December 22nd, 2018.
This is a stable version of b2evolution 6.10.x, recommended for all users.
Released on November 19th, 2018.
This is a stable version of b2evolution 6.10.x, recommended for all users.
Released on October 2nd, 2018. (It was first released on September 27th but we re-released it with a couple of additional bug fixes.)
This is a stable version of b2evolution 6.10.x, recommended for all users.
This release is actually a major milestone in b2evolution's shift from glorified blogs to full-featured Content Management System. In this release you can define Item Types with very refined custom fields. You can then create Items of the desired types. You can use the custom fields in various ways (either in your content or in your skin code) and you can even compare items of same or different types with each other (b2evolution will automatically produce detailed comparison tables like this one).
Released on June 20th, 2018.
This is a stable version of b2evolution 6.10.x, recommended for all users.
Released on May 30th, 2018.
This is a stable version of b2evolution 6.10.x, recommended for all users.
Released on Februray 6th, 2018.
This is a beta version of b2evolution 6.10. It includes many new features, especially related to email lists / email campaigns. The rest of the app includes small enhancements over versions 6.9.x.
Released on February 23rd, 2018.
This is a stable version of b2evolution 6.9.x, recommended for all users.