Folowing my post about MT community I'm asking myself what is the links of the dev team with WP people. Do you have contact with them ? Do they and do you use code of each other in your products or is WP and b2evo too differents to make this… More »
with the search function there should be the ability to search for users, like with categories.
Check a user (or more) in a checkbox list will only result in posts by this user, where additionally search criterias would/can also apply, of course.… More »
What I mean is that every blog can have a totally different domain name (URL), which makes use for having different blogs on subdomains or other domains that are directed to the same webspace using ServerAlias.
What's with images or other media… More »
http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?p=5285#5285 :
For exemple, you have a typical Weblog, with categories and subcategories, where you write about that topics.
And you have another Blog in order to manage your favourite links associated… More »