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1 May 16, 2004 15:00    


Folowing my post about MT community I'm asking myself what is the links of the dev team with WP people. Do you have contact with them ? Do they and do you use code of each other in your products or is WP and b2evo too differents to make this possible.

I see b2evo and WP as the same situation as BSD OS communities : based on the same product but not same goals in developpement : b2evo seems to be well designed for bloging communities or power users with multi blogs, multi users with advanced ACL, multiples categories and sub ... while WP is a "just" a powerful blog tool (i don't know if the focus on specific things).

My purpose is to know if relations with WP dev team could give both products possibility to "import" a feature easily (or directly from b2 witch has lots of hacks it seems).


2 fplanque May 16, 2004 17:32


Common code between b2evo and cafelog/b2 is about 20% of the codebase + different database models.

There is even less in common with WordPress.

3 patrick May 16, 2004 18:57


Arg I didn’t think difference was so big.

So there’s no chance to import easyly functionnalities from one to another.


4 May 24, 2004 16:39

And the difference is growing every day…