Do I really need to explain this ?
Very useful for comment that use tags to check if the display is correct.
François : a friend has done this feature for a home made blogware. If you need help contact me by mail More »
This is similar to a comment because it's a way for users to give you feedback. Giving a candy / voting for post the express if they've liked the post or not
Hope you understand More »
I don't think that the functions should be combined into more than one php tag on the sample templates, this way we'd avoid people wanting to get rid of the date for example, and killing their templates. More »
Backoffice post editing: The link 'back to posts' should go back to where you were before, including search parameters (like you viewed only posts in the pasts before, or only some categories). More »
The Archives List displays a link for "04/12/04 - 04/18/04" which goes to "2004/w15", but this page is empty.
Typing "w16" directly into the URL displays the posts (the link goes to w15).
I have only entries for 15th and 16th of April. More »
I understood that there was a recurent wish for the following :
post in the forum
I know there was a hack once in b2, but I think it's the same procedure as smileys.
You can put (preferable somewhere in the backoffice) a list of names and the… More »