1 fplanque May 16, 2004 10:30

3 fplanque May 24, 2004 16:42

Baumi, having no Mac, I can’t elaborae on how Safari renders the CSS. All I know is that there have been a few reports in the forums of some screens displaying a little odd in Safari.
4 Sarah Jan 27, 2005 16:55

I am using Safari and there is a very odd problem with displaying b2. when I go to the blog and click on “log in", Safari displays the page in Japanese chracter set out of no where. I tested the pages with IE and Netscape on Mac and those two browsers display the page in english just fine. I can’t seem to find where the hack b2 is picking up japanese characters.. Any ideas?
I’m using Safari (and plan to switch from MT to b2evo as soon as the import script works). Could you elaborate on the display problems to get me started?