Comment from: Mark Visitor

i was looking into using their services however they advertise unlimited web space on their website then say no its not unlimited (strike one). Sounds like a classic bait and switch. i spoke to someone in their sale/support staff (which btw are the same usually, strike 2…when i want support i dont want to speak to salesperson) and was told that it “was a copy/paste error” and they would let management know.
So fast forward a couple of weeks and getting ready to start reselling, i go to their site AND THE SAME ERRONEOUS INFO IS THERE!!, at which point i contact green geeks and get the same rhetoric about oh its a copy paste mistake…blah blah blah. When i asked to speak to supervisor/manager of course there was no one available, they were not there….It would seem to me that the monkeys are running the circus.
i now expect a reply from the stupidvisor which i doubt will happen. I have taken screen shots but do not see a way to post them here.
in the business its called overselling. you tell your clients they can have unlimited space when in fact while they can YOU as the reseller HAVE to PAY MORE for their unlimited space and of course charge the clients for more space etc….it just dominoes from there.
I wanted to use them because of the green stance but NOT at the expense of my integrity or my company’s either.