Tag: "PRO Feature"

  • This plugin is freely available but is supported only through PRO Support. The LDAP plugin provides authentication by querying one or more LDAP servers. When b2evolution’s login form is submitted, the plugin will intercept the login request to…More »
  • When installed, this plugin will add a "Glossary terms:" field to the Item edit form. Then, when saving other posts, this renderer plugin will try to find all glossary terms and link them to the correct Item for that Glossary Term. Markdown /…More »
  • You can quickly add / update user accounts by importing them via CSV files containing the users data. more »
  • The file /conf/_social.php sets the configuration of social network providers available to b2evo users. Though configuration for some common social network providers is already defined in this file by default, you will still need to supply the API key +… more »
  • This will display a "Must Read" button or menu link, including a badge of how many Posts/Items the current User still must-read. more »
  • The importer is available in b2evolution 7.0.1+ but some advanced features are only available in b2evolution PRO. The Markdown importer allows you to import a directory structure containing MarkDown .md files + related images. Basic Concepts Slugs… more »
  • This screen allows to see all internal searches. It is useful to identify: Searches with no results TODO fix bug that always displays 1 Searches that had results but did not lead to any click by the user more »

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