Comment from: poorboy2

You will find email skins in the /skins/email
For each occasion where b2evolution can send out an email there are 2 different templates: one is the HTML version and the other is the plain text version. In theory they could contain completely different text but is is recommended to keep them in sync.
For example, when a user needs to activate their account, b2evolution will send out an email by using the templates account_activate.html.php
and account_activate.txt.php
. Unless the recipient user has specified so in their preferences, b2evolution will send an email containing both the HTML and the plain text version. This is call a multipart MIME message. The email client of the recipient will automatically display the HTML version if it is able to and fall back to the text version if it can’t display the HTML.
Each template will typically include a header and a footer by means of the files:
It is possible to customize any or all templates by duplicating it into the folder /skins_email/custom/
and modifying the file there. (Files in the custom folder will remain untouched in case of a b2evolution upgrade.)
Need mention of the _email_style.css and _email_style.php files.