Released on January 14th, 2015.
This is a maintenance release recommended for all users in order to improve security.
Released on January 14th, 2015.
This is a maintenance release recommended for all users in order to improve security.
Released on December 6th, 2014.
This is a stable release and is recommended for all users.
For a while this release was going to be called 5.1.3-stable but, as it includes a small database upgrade for best stability, we named it 5.2.0-stable, in order to signify that you need to perform a quick run of the installer, even when upgrading from 5.1.2. Rest assured though that this is majorly 5.1.2 with many many bug fixes, so it's actually super stable at this point! ;) Upgrade is highly recommended for all users.
Release on September 10th, 2014.
This is a stable release and is recommended for all users.
You will find the major changes listed below.
Released on June 14th, 2014.
Released on March 26th, 2014.
Released on May 15th, 2014.
This is a maintenance release addressing only bug fixes.
Released on March 1st, 2014.
Released on January 31th, 2014.
Released on September 25th, 2013.
Released on August 2nd, 2013.