Comment from: DiversityHuman.com

Comment from: Hypocrite

Will you be installing a demo of 5.0.4 soon?
Comment from: fplanque

A demo install of 5.0.4 is now available on http://demo.b2evolution.net/
Comment from: cipher0

How about a single post canonical option under the Write tab so I can post content from other websites.
I know I can canonical cross posts, but I’d like to post content from other websites and set the rel="canonical” url to the original location.
This isn’t currently possible, is it?
b2evolution is the best!
Comment from: Jacques (leFataliste)

Great new ! I loaded the new version but still did not installed it. I’m presently with version 4.1.7. Is there a possibility to revert to the previous version (just “in case") once v5 is installed ? Or is the data base modified ? As a side question can you remind me how to suspend b2evo (maintenance mode) ? Tank you for what I expect to be a great job. :)
Comment from: fplanque

@Brian Not possible now indeed (except if you edit your skin). Suggestion noted.
@Jacques Answers here:
B2evolution Developers deserve a token of appreciation for this impressive upgrade.
More power B2Evolution!!!