Comment from: Sebastián Lalaurette

1. Correct navigation in a multiblog.
2. Crossposting as an option in the backoffice.
Crossing my fingers… :)

I’m very curious about B2evo4!
Actually i can’t wait anymore, isn’t there somekind of beta version available? ;)
Keep the good work up guys!
Comment from: Rainer

So, it’s past “End of April"… when can we expect some new version of b2evo to play with?
Rainer :)

I’m just waiting for the alpha version to be released. There are a few featurs I’m missing till now and hope they will be implemented.
If not, whatever, it’s still a good alternativ to wordpress I think.
Good work since now, just get on and make it better :)
I’m very glad to hear that… :)