Comment from: Fraser Pearce

Major release: b2evolution 3.0.0, 4.0.0: 1 release every 2 years
Minor release: b2evolution 3.x.0, 3.x+1.0: 2 releases per year
Maintenance update: b2evolution 3.0.1, 3.0.2: as necessary
Comment from: rrohde

The release cycle of Ubuntu would be cool. Some new bleeding edge version every six month, with one of them being a LTS (long term support) stable version for those that just want something to work. Early adopters can then always pick the six-monthly ones for testing the latest greatest…
Comment from: Sebastián Lalaurette

Ah, I’d say anything longer than three months increases the fear of b2evo dying forever. But your mileage may vary. I had to fundamentally change the structure of my blogs to get around a very basic and nasty bug I reported a year ago, because, well, I didn’t know if this was ever going anywhere.
The work you do is impressive, but in all honesty you shouldn’t release a CMS with many advanced features and a radical flaw in the navigation of a multiblog, when fixing it should be easy.
That said, I still think b2evo is wonderful and I am happy that it keeps running. Kudos for you all!

To me it’s better to wait a few weeks than beeing disappointed of what has been done so far. So dont hesitate to take the time you need, it’s completely ok!
On this note I’ll quote 3D Realms.
When will you finish work?
“When it’s done!”
Comment from: fplanque

Sebastian: have no fear! That nav thing though is definitely one of the features that are on the edge of included now or included in the next one.
Comment from: David Newcomb

Perhaps a more manageable delay would be the time it takes to complete 1 feature.
It’s difficult though when the project is starting a new development branch because there are lots of different features being worked on at the same time. I agree with Francois, I think an alpha should, at the very least, hang together and mostly work.

looking forward for the new features

Whatever you guys think is workable! I prefer waiting a bit longer (with maybe more interaction?) than getting the version done quicker with shoddier work.
As long as there is posts being shown that you guys are actively still working on it (maybe a sneak peek or two?), then patience works with me!
Comment from: fplanque

Actually, I can’t wait myself to get it out! Just got a lot of other stuff that got into the way… Working on it!! :)

All I can say is you guys got it going! I really appreciate the work you do and the generosity you display. As far as a release date between versions, take your time and get it to where you are comfortable with your work. That’s what matters most!
Thanks for all that you do and keep on keeping on!
Comment from: nthomeplans

Cool project. Wonder how long until its live.
I would say that there isn’t an ideal delay, as such. As long at its being actively developed where needed, and that its staying a modern and secure product, I’m happy to wait ‘until its done’.
Keep up the good work :)