Comment from: Chris of Arabia

Title: Block ‘rogue’ user agents by originating IP address or URL
Synopsis: I’m looking for a way to be able to limit the number of spambots/unknowns hitting my blog, by blocking them as they hit the site, much in the way that’s possible with the Centralised Blacklist, though I don’t think the two should be combined. The ability to ban a user agent domain in the same way that can be done with referrers is probably what I’m thinking. This would also need an admin page so that if required, such blocks can be managed/removed.
Comment from: oigreslima

First all, Happy new Year!
Well, a feature that I will desire is a “mobile skin"! A skin optimized for mobile devices (android, iphone, etc).
It’s all :-)

Happy New Year to everyone at b2evolution!
Comment from: Sebastián Lalaurette

I wish crossposting would be finally an option in the backoffice. That way I could test (from the demo server) whether this confusing, old and overlooked problem has been fixed or not: http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=18526
That said, the 4 version seems amazing.

With issues regarding MySQL being debated at this moment, provide an alternative option to the built-in installer routine for another DB; Red Hat is supporting PostgreSQL as well -an specific instance of being proactive.
Prosperous 2010 future for all.

Feature Request:
A post’s tags should become hash keywords in the twitter plugin. Right now, the twitter plugin hardcodes the ones in the blog properites but it would be cool if it got them from the post tags.
So it would be title #tag 1, #tag2, #tag3
WYSIWYG HTML Editor For the HTML Widget
HTML Widgets should have an expiration Date So they disappear automatically
Calendar/Event tracking of some sorts…
Mobile Skin/AutoDetect

Support for “Reply by email to Comments”
Comment from: Armando Rendon

Happy New Year! And for me 2010 would be even happier if I were able to figure out how to enable visitors to my blogsite a means to subscribe, that is, sign up and automatically get updated as new posts go up. Can anyone help me out?

I would like it if there was a simpler interface for adding photos to blog posts without having to go through Flickr. I pay for enough space on my web host that I should be able to store them myself. Right now it’s challenging.
Comment from: Mark Berthelemy

2 things I would like to see:
1) Ability for commenters to subscribe to further comments on a post by email (like Blogger does).
2) Ability to add customisable fields to a blog - like http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/more-fields/

First, echo Mark’s request for subscribe to comments by email.
Two, support for magazine style skins – basically a way to have a widget like a “featured post” that has a list of “featured” posts with accompanying thumbnail graphics (if applicable, if not, just pulls a default graphic).

One more thought:
I think the autolinks is a brilliant idea, but it seems to be a bit glitchy – I can’t ever seem to get it to work for two words using the correct syntax. I wonder if there would be a way to use a certain style syntax (maybe wiki?) [] or somesuch to signify words that should be auto-linked. Just thinking out loud.

I’d love to see better support in the way of online documentation. I under we users aren’t paying but if we can’t get assistance more immediately by way of forums we need to at least be able to find some kind of info on the site. I have an issue with auto pruning (among other things) and the last update on that was in 2006.
Comment from: fplanque

Armando, there is a feature for that.
Go to Blog Settings > Features > Enable email subscriptions.
Comment from: fplanque

Cheryl, the is a complete filemanager built into b2evolution with built in upload. What more do you need??
Comment from: fplanque

Mark, there are already customizable fields in b2evo v3. What more do you need?
(regarding “inform me of future comments": yes we definitely want to add that)
Comment from: fplanque

Just a quick note to let you know that I verified that all the features you posted above are on the todo list. I added the missing ones.
The only thing we’re probably not going to implement any time soon is MySQL alternatives… that is unless of course MySQL really goes south but you guys should have more trust in open source. When someone drops a project, someone else picks it up. There are millions of web sites relying on MySQL in the world. There is no way MySQL is going away any time soon!
So we’ll give priority to short term issues, especially new features. Lots of good ideas above. Thanks for your feedback. We’ll try our best to deliver!
Comment from: Mark Berthelemy

Hi Francois,
I missed the custom fields in V3. Sorry - I must play with them now!
Comment from: Peter Geier

It would be nice to have an email feature to send out an admin message to all users of a GROUP, e.g. with an email icon on the GROUP line in Groups&Users (we have many blogs and assign a group to users of a specific blog) limited to everybody where the box to allow admin messages is checked. Currently I only see the ability to send to single users. Also it would be SOO GOOD to be able for a user to be in MULTIPLE groups. We have a blog per project (and have a bunch of projects) so then the rights maintenance would be much easier. Now we have to do a matrix of every possibility for groups.
Too YOU too Best wishes for 2010
luck and health
by the way the 3.3.3 run perfect
no error found ;)
great coder job !