Comment from: scott

Comment from: fplanque

No you’re not. All upgrades since 2.1 have been super easy.
Comment from: Tiki

I am thinking about using B2 because of its multi-blog capability. When I tried it in the past, the bookmarklet was easy to find, but I have searched everywhere and I can’t find it. I’m using 2.4.5. Can you tell me where it is? Thanks.
Comment from: fplanque

The bookmarklet is now a plugin. It is bundled with b2evolution but you have to install it through Globale Settings > Plugins > Install
Comment from: Joan Ventura

Well… we’re late for this release.. almost one month… dont do this like microsoft(:p)…
Comment from: Kyt

I was wonderding if this release (or a previous one) fixes the bug in Regional where reprioritizing locales does not work. French I set to 3 and it keeps resetting itself to 1. Arabic locales keep reenabling themselves. I was trying to get just the main 9 languages I plan to use enabled and everything else not enabled. Checking off on the main page does NOT work. I have to go in and edit each file by hand, and that doesn’t really work very well either. I am still using Fantastico’s unfantastic 2.4.5. (Unfantastic because they are slow to upgrade to the latest.)
ps. I LOVE b2evolution. Skin development is severely lacking, but I’ll see what I can do there, as I found tweaking an existing theme rather easy.
hmm and if your running 2.4.6 your in for a heavy upgrade procedure haha. ef.