Comment from: nomad1

Comment from: fplanque

Yes it is possible to design skins that run independently of upgrading. That is the case with 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10 .
In 2.0 there are many enhancements to the skin features (really a lot!). These require new tags. Keeping the old (less efficient and customizable) skin tags would slow down 2.0 too much.
The 2.0 skins are designed with the future in mind though. All new tags are extensible so there should not be any new major changes for a long time after 2.0.
It’s a tough choice between progress and backward compatibility…
Comment from: nomad1

Thanks for the quick reply. This is good news. Will 2.0 be released this within a few months? I’d rather wait with my upgrade (still 0.9.1) then.
Comment from: fplanque

Yes 2.0 will be released in a few months but it is hard to tell when it will become really stable, or as stable as 1.10.
Direct upgrade from 0.9.1 to 2.0 will be possible, but if it was me I would do an interim upgrade to 1.10. It just feels less acrobatic ;)

What’s the best brazilian portuguese language pack and what differences are not translated?
I would like to complement this, if is possible.
Comment from: waltercruz

Hi gamer boy. I’m sending the complete translation until 06-15.
Comment from: JC John SESE Cuneta

What?! .2 out this fast?
just kidding :D Great to see we’re coming closer to 2.0 :p hopefully we won’t go by 1.10.99 coz that is still the 1.10.x series :P
okay, Im kidding :p
v2 is exciting, messing with what I can understand with it on my test server.. just have to get used with the SVN updates.
Gratz again!
Comment from: Bert at Boblog

just upgraded from 1.9.3 to 1.10.2, moving machines and domains, with no problems at all - bar php/ mysql/ mod_perl/ GD issues.
Nothing bad about this upgrade, not even a tiny issue - although mines is about as vanilla an install as it gets

Just upgraded to 1.10.2 from 0.9.2. The upgrade was simple, painless, worked flawlessly.
It’s not in the upgrade instructions (probably because it is more or less common sense) but anyone upgrading should round up the following info before starting:
1. Your SQL database user name (on my webhost, it’s a long line of seemingly random characters, and has nothing to do with my user name as site admin, b2evolution, etc.)
2. Your B2Evolution SQL Database name. (Again - on my webhost this is a _really_ long line of characters.)
3. The password for your B2Evolution SQL database.
I installed my initial B2E setup from a script provided by my webshost - which is probably why the database user name and DB name are so odd. But with each upgrade I stop and have to look up that stuff.
1.10.2 looks great though!

Love B2evo and use it on numerous sites where some dynamic content is desired. It’s extremely flexible and easy for newbs to figure out.
I have to second the opinion that updating skins is the hardest part of B2evo updates. Every single install I have running uses heavily customized skins. That’s part of what I like about this app, but it’s still the majority of the work involved with an update for me. Using WinMerge is very useful in expediting the skin tweaks.
With the frequency of updates that B2evolution has, is there any chance of working toward doing updates and backups through the application (like SMF)? Most SMF updates don’t touch the skin/template and can be accomplished in 30 seconds directly in the admin area of the application.
Comment from: fplanque

Yes, automated updates are on the todo list…

I could not download version 1.10.2. The website was always closed. What is the issue? Thanks!
Comment from: fplanque

I don’t know. Just checked. It is working now.

Hi! I am new to blogging and would like to have a blog on my website. I have designed the site myself using Dreamweaver 8, all in html - I have no experience with PHP or CSS or other stuff like that. Can I use this software to make a blog I can put on the site - embedded into a html page, or a PHP page that can be linked from other html pages on the site? I just want a blog but don’t want it on an external site like blogger.com, but apart from basic html sites in Dreamweaver I’m not a designer so I can’t do anything too complicated!
Comment from: fplanque

Yes, Steve, that is what b2evolution is for.
It isn’t possible to design skins that do run independently of upgrading? I ask because my skins are heavily costomized, so upgrading means several times of work