Comment from: Michael Urspringer

Comment from: fplanque

Can’t you just make those posts protected and make your family members of the blog? That way they’ll see these posts and the rest of the world won’t.
Comment from: Michael Urspringer

that is what I have currently done. Unfortunately every group then has ability to read every post of the blog. That is ok for family but this was just an example. Sometimes you have more than one group who should be able to read different things. Think of a blog which is not for personal use but for a workgroup etc. So it still would be nice to have :-)
Comment from: farhaf

so nice!
when it will be ready?
Comment from: chris

I am wondering will categories possibly be tied to a user group? I have tried a couple of other blog system and one feature I like is the ability to tie a category to a specific user group allowing them only to post into that blog category. I would love for b2evolution to be able to do that.
Comment from: fplanque

Michael and Chris, wouldn’t it make sense to make different blogs, one for each user group ?
Comment from: Michael Urspringer

Francois, no I do not think so. I would like to maintain one blog where I put all things I have to say. Most of the times this will be public stuff but from time to time there is an entry which should not publicly visibble. I do not think it would be a good idea to put these entries in a different blog (as they are not many …)
So again, if it is not soooo much effort it would be great to have it :-)

it seems to be an interesting summer ;-)
Comment from: chris

Francois, in my case I would love to use this for a school and really want to just have one blog for all of them.
Thanks again for all the hard work, I can’t wait to try out 2.0.
Comment from: fplanque

Chris, if you have one blog per group but then aggregate them all into one blog, does it achieve the desired effect?
(I need to understand the limitations so I can best address them.)

I think b2evo already handles Chris’ and Michael’s issues with it’s multi-blog, multi-user capabilities.
We have one installation of b2evo, under which we have four public blogs and another 8 protected blogs. Some folks are members of some blogs but not of others. Some folks can also post to some blogs but not to others. Even to the public blogs, b2evolution allows individual posts to be private or protected [members only].
Posts from all the public blogs show up on our “home” page, though we could also configure b2evo to show posts from the protected blogs there as well.
But we only mange one instance of b2evolution. The hierarchy is Press [our b2evo subdomain] -> individual blogs -> categories -> sub-categories -> sub-sub-categories
Perhaps thinking of it that way might clear up the issue.
Comment from: edbennett

Yeah it works as-is, but there exists many holes that I look forward to seeing fixed in two dot oh. For example why is it Billy can edit Betty’s posts? With 2.0 that issue, if I read this correctly, will be resolved. I will be able to say “Billy can not edit Betty’s posts unless I do something to allow him to edit her works".
b2evolution’s multi-blog and multi-user configuration stomps on anything else available, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t room to improve. Two dot oh, with regard to user permissions, seems like a major step forward in that area. I personally have a hack that stops userA from editing the work of userB. I prefer and look forward to it becoming part of the core application, and now have no plans to share my hack publicly. Maybe I should as a stop-gap measure, but since I can’t predict what the future will be I think it is best that I not share a plugin that will be obsolete very soon.
Therefore I say thanks to Francois for recognizing that making a multi-user blog be collaborative is not always what we (the users) want or need. Sometimes, and in truth many times, we want something the current core does not enable.
Comment from: Vita ALaya

I have to agree with Michael Urspringer. I am looking for the same functionality for a long time - CATEGORY ACCESS LEVELS. I will explain why multiple blogs is too much of a hassle for me:
I am running my personal blog currently on 3-party website, several of them. But I want to make one on my own website and really only one. I need everyone who comes to be READERS but I have several levels of “sensitive” posts.
0) Sometimes I would publish “deep thoughts” or “movies reviews” - this is for everyone who comes over.
I suppose my personal contacts to register at this blog as READERS. But posts can be different:
1) events in my life like buying some new camera etc. - this is interesting only to members, and can be read by all of them
2) events in personal life - I wouldn’t like to share this with all members, only friends to whom I would be talking about it live (well, if some of them weren’t living in other countries)
3) very personal info like dreams or intimate relationships what I would share only with a few very close friends.
Real flexibility would be to use user groups for it - if those groups have writing access set up for categories and posts, cannot you just add permissions for READING access to Categories? SO that I could let alone writing access and only set up reading access? (sorry if I say stupid things, I haven’t tried b1evo yet, I’m only looking for a blog engine for my site but can’t find any which already has those features).
However in my case I could also content myself with access levels.
Say I assign a registered member (READER) a level 0-3 and when I post I also assign level 0-3, or I assign a category level 0-3.
In fact, any kind of advanced reading access management would suit me, and your engine seems to have the most flexible rights management…
Comment from: fplanque

Vita, I hear you and there will be category level permissions some day. There are several other things that will come first though.
Your idea about a minimum level to read a category makes sense. I will make the feature simpler than an extended per-category permission system.
In the meantime, I believe you could achieve that exact functionality by having 4 different blogs in the same b2evolution with different permissions and then aggregate them together in order to show only one blog (all that still in the same install b2evolution).

I also do agree with Michael, I would really like the option to password protect single blog entries.
Many of my friends and family members are not as blog/forum/community savvy, the whole idea of having to log in is just too much of a hurdle for them. They forget their log-ins, or even that they have to log in to see the entries … It would be a lot easier to them if they just saw the title of a protected blog entry, with a little password field below it. Entering the password provides access to the entry’s text.
Comment from: Vanarie

I’m impressed with the community here. That’s one thing I look for when choosing software for major projects.
I’m looking for a mutli-user/blog “platform” where anyone can signup and customize & manage their own personal blog (themes, etc). It sounds like 2.0 (alpha) can do this, but I don’t know if it’s an automated process or if the admin (me) would have to manually setup each user’s blog.
Q: Is the multi-user/blog/themes automated as far as setup? Or is this not really on the map in terms of intended functionality?
Other platforms I’ve looked at:
Comment from: fplanque

Multiple blogs and users are supported right out of the box.
Having users create their own blog is provided through an additional plugin at this time.
Comment from: ltbaogt

hi everybody, in b2evolution, can i permission for categories same as blog. ex: i add a user and i want to this user will manage only category that i want as admin
What I am missing and I am not sure if this will be included now: I would need a possibility to let only members of a specific group see a certain posting. Sometimes some of the entries are not for the public but only for e.g. family members etc. Currently I cannot do that (at least I do not know how …). I already asked for it long time ago in a forum I think.
So, that would be great :-)
Thanks a lot,