Comment from: jason murphy

Great news! Keep up the good work! Can’t wait for the next major release.
Comment from: laygnuk

Superbe, gĂ©nial, j’adore!!!
je viens d’actualiser vers la version Amsterdam en 5 min…
C’est perfect!

Any chance you’ll release a diff version?
Comment from: fplanque

No, we’re not releasing diff versions. You can easily find out the diffs with tools like WinMerge.
Comment from: redbear

Does this include the Flickr fix?
Comment from: James

does this version have function to auto resize large images? rather than creating smaller version of same pic as thumbnail can it generate thumbnail on demand?
Comment from: Thanh Ha

Very interesting software. I would like to request a locale translation for Vietanmese. Many thanks.

Will this upgrade break current templates?
Comment from: ed

are there planned captchas for comments and trackbacks? I have a lot of spam in my blog with comments and trackbacks.
Comment from: Mohamed

Will it support sending MMS directly to my blog via email?
Comment from: George

Well, installed the latest update and got hacked, and spam attacked. I am kinda disapointed by the script. Its too slow, cant handle a lot of traffic either and really still needs a lot of work. Hope the next update will be better, in the mean time I will look for alternatives.
Comment from: Julien Moorrees

Taken from http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=2732&highlight=
Please make it so that the autopruning only happens once per hour. This wil increase the performance dramatically. I have implemented EdB’s proposal, but that is not really a “good” solution. I think the “right” soluation would be to prune the post only once per hour, instead doing it by every request.
Is this implemented already?
Comment from: blueyed

No, Julien, it’s not in the 0.9 series.. :(

Do you plan to implement a feature that allows me to set a maximum number of blog reports that will be shown? Or only the reports of the last two months or sth. like that? IMHO that might be a nice feature. I am running currently and could not figure it out, so i guess it’s not implemented yet ;)

That “modularity” for the new version, could that also include support for Smarty templates? http://smarty.php.net/
Great! Nice to see an update from the dev team. Is there a changelog available?