Comment from: Scott I. Remick
Service releases are always a good thing. Thank you.
Looking forward to releases from the new branch.
Comment from: topanga
Please put in this service release the full anti-spam list.
It would prevent a lot of users to push that button more than tirty times to begin with
Thanks. It’s great to finally hear something from b2evo team.
Looking forward to the next b2evo release.
Comment from: greenman
Great news. Hopefully this is connected to the exploit on the 17th. I haven’t seen any more news about it.
Greenman, the exploit fix is here:
According to François, it’ll definitely be fixed in
Comment from: Kirill M Pickulsky
-Localization updates and new locales like Slovak, Turkish and Thai;
Sorry for my badly English, but i want Russian support too =)))
Comment from: greenman
Thanks Uzyn, but that wasn’t the issue. I’d patched that way before I was exploited.
Comment from: Tejas Patel
That’s a good news. Looking forward to the new release.
Comment from: Splinter
Please add IP banning and a way to disable the comment list or content filtering…My site is getting slammed with spam!! Half of it’s getting through the current system becasue they are using munged or rotating domains. I’m getting tired of “Online Casino” and others putting their crap there in comments and trackbacks. I didn’t open a blog only to see it overrun. Also a reverse DNS and email checker would be nice to check to see if a site actually exists, is munged, obscured or otherwise unreadable. Same with emails. If the email ain’t a valid address, I’d love to be able to tell the system to reject them.
Also, a time limiter would be nice to prevent multiple postings from an IP without a significant wait time.
Better yet, how about a system where people that wish to comment have to actually have an account with the blogger before they can do anything. No account, no comments or trackbacks allowed. This would go a LONG way to solving the problem of the harrassment.
You can kill of comment spam entirely by renaming all the php files that handle comments I dont have the time to post the fixes here now but if you want to email me for advice I’d be glad to help out. I’ve killed all comment and referral and trackback spam from my B2Evo install entirely and its been solid ever since.
visit my site to see ( techincallyoverboard.com)
my email is rob at the above domain.
Cap’n Rob
Comment from: Mister Shiney
I’d like to second the call for more protection from Comment/Trackback spam!
I’d really like to be able to globally set commenting to Closed or Disabled for all posts.
Comment from: Rotorboy
Spam is a nightmare! I look at my referrer log and between porn and texas holem etc… I can’t tell if any of my traffic is real. I spent 2hrs trying to clean up all the crap referrers today… I’m almost ready to move to typepad or some such thing.
Comment from: graham
There are plenty of ways to stop spam. I’ve had one spam referral in the past month. http://tin-men.net/blog/how_i_ve_killed_all_spam_on_my_site
Also, Francois said that there will be no new features. If you want to request a feature, put it in the forums.
Comment from: Redbear
Please make the Flickr functionality part of this release!
Looking forward to it.
Comment from: Jane
Indeed, the SPAM is way to much. It appears they are using Google to detect sites using this script. So even if you post your solutions on the forum they will get around it.
I would like to see a disable/enable refer function to prevent this. Otherwise I am forced to use another system because it takes just too much time every day cleaning the system of spam.
Comment from: tyger
I think one of the best antispam feature would be to require each trackbacker or commenter to enter a random string which is displayed as a little fuzzy image by b2evo. This way automat cannot use the system.
this is a commmon feature now on lots of blogs.
Very nice! I’ve been looking to try B2evo for a while! Thanks for the hard work!
I’d like to second the call for more protection from Comment/Trackback spam!!!!
Y try with this AuthImage http://www.village-idiot.org/archives/2005/01/28/b2evo-captcha-explained/ and works fine a time. But now it´s not work (i think my hosting has changed the GD library.
Thanks Uzyn, don’t know why pepople even spam elearning blogs…
I would love new skins… scalable ones.
Thanks for all the hard work!